Programa de superación personal basado en el aprendizaje por descubrimiento, observaciones detalladas y un pensamiento intencional diario.Esto crea varios confiables marcos de referencia permitiéndonos triplicar el uso de nuestros procesos mentales enfatizando nuestra creatividad.
jueves, 25 de agosto de 2011
16 de Agosto del 2,011
El ser humano siempre ha contado con un divino elemento que lo motiva, lo mueve, lo hace ser y estar consciente de que tiene que hacer algo muy positivo con su vida, es por esta poderosa razón que en su cumpleaños y al principio de un año nuevo existe gran entusiasmo por alcanzar muy nobles metas. Esta característica divina nace del hecho de que somos seres espirituales teniendo experiencias humanas. La falta de sabiduría respecto a que la suma de pequeños y constantes esfuerzos durante todo el año siempre será inmensamente superior a un gran esfuerzo llevado a cabo solo por un mes o menos. Nos falta sistema y orden. En otras palabras carecemos de una autodisciplina férrea.
En mi caso emplee más de treinta y cinco años buscando una fórmula secreta en libros y revistas con temas científicos, morales, culturales, psicológicos, filosóficos, metafísicos, místicos y esotéricos tanto en idioma inglés como en español. Lo que aprendí es que en verdad todos los libros son excelentes e importantes, pero solo logran motivarnos por un par de meses a lo sumo. Otra gran verdad aprendida es que un hombre inteligente le sabe sacar provecho a sus ventajas, pero un hombre sabio además de saber sacarle provecho a sus ventajas sabe también aprovechar las doradas oportunidades que le brindan las aparentes desventajas.
Sería una maravillosa e útil idea el contar con muy concretos cuadros de referencia, específicamente aquellos que combinan armoniosamente todos nuestros procesos mentales, gran involucración emocional principalmente el permitir poco a poco la manifestación de nuestros atributos y dones de nuestra divinidad. En otras palabras algo que constantemente nos recuerde lo prioritario respecto a nuestras metas e ideales espirituales. El sistema COSMOS SIETE fue diseñado para poder auto ayudarme. Ahora deseo poder compartirlo con ustedes. Y los de ustedes que se convenzan de la gran utilidad de este programa anual en un futuro no lejano también lo compartan con más seres humanos realmente interesados en ello. Deseo solo una oportunidad de demostrar con hechos lo anteriormente mencionado. Sé muy bien de que sí dispones de al menos media hora de estudio, observando y descubriendo muchísimas cosas que aparentemente no te has dado cabal cuenta. Te atrevés?
Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar
Man has always counted with a divine element which has motivated, driven, and made overcome a lot of difficulties, tests and trials. Let’s remember that we are spiritual beings having human experiences. This is always emphasized during a new year and in one’s birthday, but this desire lasts at least just a month! Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we knew how to keep alive this drive all year long? Just imagine the wonderful results obtained in a single year. A dynamic and enjoyable year. Well, dear friends and relatives the time for me to share such knowledge has come.
The wonderful results of doing a thirty five year long research will be now yours and it will only take a whole year! The program is a harmonious combination of scientific, philosophical, psychological, metaphysical, esoteric, mental, cultural and spiritual knowledge. The program counts with reliable frameworks which succeed in harmonizing all our mental processes, our altruistic emotions and specifically each one of our spiritual attributes abilities and gifts.
What do I wish? It is very simple indeed. I want to have a chance to prove with facts the great benefits and advantages obtained by this yearly program. I need your help to keep the snow ball rolling downwards.
Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar
Written by Ezequiel Rodríguez
Friday, 19 September 2008 18:27 -
I consider this article a very practical lesson.
Our world is filled up mostly with people who are afraid to initiate a single action me included. Why is this so? Because it is much more comfortable to be passive watching other people take action. Apparently it is safer. To act in spite of obstacles, shortcomings and adverse situations make us cowards. Why on Earth should we take dangerous chances? Imagine if everybody became a spectator instead of an actor in the stage of life. We couldn't understand progress at all!
We've forgotten our important mission here and now in our planet Earth. Each one of us must become a world's contributor for the benefit of humankind. Our worst words uttered will be. “If we've left everything to our governments, we would have
failed as members of our human race" This feeling of betrayal will be unbearable. Not only will we have betrayed our community, but ourselves for not trying to give the very best in us! This is indeed our greatest challenge; that in spite of facing many negative aspects in our lives we must succeed in the participation big game. We've forgotten that each one of us is made different from the rest. Here lies the big secret!
We posses combined skills and attributes that nobody has! So, if we don't allow our ideas to work by manifesting them in our lives, we will surely fail.
Does this mean that we are selfish? No, of course not! Maybe it is that we are very afraid of being rejected? Hum! That's right! That's our big issue most of the time. Sometimes we are much more afraid of being successful than of failing. Why? To succeed in something implies acquiring many more obligations and responsibilities. Let's never forget that we can't remain still forever. Sooner or later we will be forced to act. Then why don't we start initiating some actions? There are a lot of opportunities to do the above in our everyday lives. We will be positively amazed by all these results. We will also learn that we have mistakenly underestimated ourselves. Let's think big not small. Don't panic against our great institutions and worldwide conglomerates, because they all are our equals.
Best regards Amorifer 297.
Those of us who are 100% convinced having lived before many times in many lands throughout at least four millennia being sometimes women and other times men from every single social position including being slaves. We all not only love, but really enjoy imagining the scenarios we moved in. Much more than dates, rulers and battles we enjoy recalling everyday lives, specifically family life and how we carried out with gusto our professions. Let me give you a simple example; life in Ancient History. The homes we used to live in, the common household objects, the tools of our trades, the weapons used by soldiers and warriors, the priests, the roads, the starlit sky, the sacred places to visit, our long journeys in ships, caravans, the candles, the footwear, the stone bridges, the illnesses, the food, the fields, the animals used in transportation, the temples, churches, castles and shrines we used to be in and so forth remained almost the same for two thousand years. Just imagine having to work from sunrise to sunset. This is the reason people who travel find themselves experiencing some very strong déjà vu in both far way lands and when we go out to the country and we are surrounded just by nature. I thank God for having used me as a channel for at least a dozen people who discovered some of their past lives with my suggestions. From 2,007 to the present time there have been four people at and at FACEBOOK who have discovered wonderful aspects of their past lives.
It is when we are able to experience some flashbacks from past lives when we start to appreciate our current life as a great blessing! We never use it to escape our obligations and responsibilities. We use this wisdom to strive for more opportunities to apply every piece of knowledge obtained from our wonderful life’s lessons.
The following parts require your active participation by sharing with this group your pasty life experiences.
Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar
Indeed that we are the harmonious blending of body, mind and soul, so it is desirable that all our lives we could give each one of these parts the proper attention and care. Our body needs nutritious food, plenty of water, some exercise, spending some time relaxing our cells, tissues and organ , learning to absorb the Earth’s needed negative polarity, deep breathing to vitalize our blood with the vital life force coming from the sun’s rays and something which has almost been forgotten; to align our bodies with the healthy rhythm from the Universe. Our modern society has forgotten this latest recommendation.
Our minds need to be constantly stimulated with enjoyable intentional thinking sessions by reading all the great works of alchemists, mystics, inventors, philosophers, poets, esoteric knowledge, reading the classics and writing down our own insights regarding how we perceive life. Our spiritual side, like our body needs the proper spiritual food; our altruistic emotions, happiness and a sense of sharing our mental and divine gifts. To wake up every morning with great expectations of experiencing something never experienced before, learning something valuable and then share it; In simpler words smile at God, humanity and Nature; Feeling being a very important part of universal live, light and life in perfect harmony.
Millennia have proven man the importance to have meditation periods in which all the above can be accomplished. From a holistic view point meditation has helped man dealing with coping with stressful situations in his life. We posses a happy attitude when our mind has gone though some spiritual discipline. It has been by mediating when man has been able to integrate harmoniously body, mind and spirit. Our current physical well being is the result of the great release of a renewed positive force getting rid of negative emotions on this healthy process. We also experience an easy way to reach the fountain of divine inspiration, golden moments of peace profound; sharing our happiness and more importantly even when we sleep our spirit carries our important cosmic mission helping humanity in many ways. Indeed what a great blessing!
The way we feel and function in our outer life is determined to a very great extent by our inner life; our happiness, our confidence, our moods, our consciousness become a reliable channel to express our gratitude to our Maker. When we are happy and calm, difficulties and problems are easily cope with effectively.
There has been an esoteric principle widely observed. What is this amazing principle? We start living a balanced dual life; we succeed in fulfilling our obligations and responsibilities as we also start crystallizing our high ideals at the same time. In other words we realize that we are spiritual beings having human experiences, so our wonderful learning never stops at all!
Meditation balances the inner and outer worlds and brings out the true nature of our nature; compassion, self-acceptance, joyfulness, serenity, loving kindness, strength plus we achieve God’s supreme desire of looking at other human beings as our true brothers and sisters! We understand that the inner lives of these human beings are very similar to our master within. Step by step we start understanding God’s wishes to become our brother’s keeper. Now our happiness is to do our best to make other people happy. To communicate our passion for living despite of the physical age we have. It is our spiritual age what matters the most.
I thank you deeply for allowing me to communicate my most profound convictions.
Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar
Indeed that we are the harmonious blending of body, mind and soul, so it is desirable that all our lives we could give each one of these parts the proper attention and care. Our body needs nutritious food, plenty of water, some exercise, spending some time relaxing our cells, tissues and organ , learning to absorb the Earth’s needed negative polarity, deep breathing to vitalize our blood with the vital life force coming from the sun’s rays and something which has almost been forgotten; to align our bodies with the healthy rhythm from the Universe. Our modern society has forgotten this latest recommendation.
Our minds need to be constantly stimulated with enjoyable intentional thinking sessions by reading all the great works of alchemists, mystics, inventors, philosophers, poets, esoteric knowledge, reading the classics and writing down our own insights regarding how we perceive life. Our spiritual side, like our body needs the proper spiritual food; our altruistic emotions, happiness and a sense of sharing our mental and divine gifts. To wake up every morning with great expectations of experiencing something never experienced before, learning something valuable and then share it; In simpler words smile at God, humanity and Nature; Feeling being a very important part of universal live, light and life in perfect harmony.
Millennia have proven man the importance to have meditation periods in which all the above can be accomplished. From a holistic view point meditation has helped man dealing with coping with stressful situations in his life. We posses a happy attitude when our mind has gone though some spiritual discipline. It has been by mediating when man has been able to integrate harmoniously body, mind and spirit. Our current physical well being is the result of the great release of a renewed positive force getting rid of negative emotions on this healthy process. We also experience an easy way to reach the fountain of divine inspiration, golden moments of peace profound; sharing our happiness and more importantly even when we sleep our spirit carries our important cosmic mission helping humanity in many ways. Indeed what a great blessing!
The way we feel and function in our outer life is determined to a very great extent by our inner life; our happiness, our confidence, our moods, our consciousness become a reliable channel to express our gratitude to our Maker. When we are happy and calm, difficulties and problems are easily cope with effectively.
There has been an esoteric principle widely observed. What is this amazing principle? We start living a balanced dual life; we succeed in fulfilling our obligations and responsibilities as we also start crystallizing our high ideals at the same time. In other words we realize that we are spiritual beings having human experiences, so our wonderful learning never stops at all!
Meditation balances the inner and outer worlds and brings out the true nature of our nature; compassion, self-acceptance, joyfulness, serenity, loving kindness, strength plus we achieve God’s supreme desire of looking at other human beings as our true brothers and sisters! We understand that the inner lives of these human beings are very similar to our master within. Step by step we start understanding God’s wishes to become our brother’s keeper. Now our happiness is to do our best to make other people happy. To communicate our passion for living despite of the physical age we have. It is our spiritual age what matters the most.
I thank you deeply for allowing me to communicate my most profound convictions.
Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar
If we appreciate man as a spiritual being having needed human experiences, we immediately comprehend his urge of depending on his daily mental creations to aid him living a healthy dual life. It’s been man’s burning desire which has made him to materialize his thoughts, intents, dreams and wishes into all kinds of contributions.
We, the human race are blessed using learning by discovery. It is when one finds new applications, brand new approaches to what we know when humanity takes big leaps in its mission of perfecting humankind. What is strongly imprinted in our spiritual part is the need to create, but every single one of these creating must find the correct channels of expression. It is extremely important that we recognize the golden opportunity we will face. There are still many needs to be filled out. If we fail in not listening to our inner self’s very subtle voice we will betray not only our community, but what is much worse we will have betrayed ourselves. Our divine part, which is as important as our external human part won’t find the needed daily opportunities of contributing with goods and services for our human race.
Every human being has come to this plane of existence with many divine gifts and attributes. It would so wonderful to experience a great increase in this divine task in as many people as possible.
So, my profound conviction is to have created THE COSMOS SIETE PROGRAM. This useful and easy to follow methodology will allow many of us to do something about our world and in the process to make some money. This money will be later used to support first our local talents, similar projects and new thoughts and idea to ne able to enjoy the sweet fruits of a truthful and harmonious progress. Allow me to give you a useful suggestion; use your three stages of learning; learning by memory, comprehension and intentional thinking relying on the mental processes of imagination.
Ezequiel Roddríguez Saldívar
19 de Agosto 2,011
Poco a poco, como todo lo vital y duradero en la vida, se integran armoniosamente nuestros procesos mentales; memoria, razonamiento, imaginación e intuición junto con nuestras emociones altruistas y fuerza de voluntad. En los dos primeros meses la metodología está diseñada para saber observar y recordar lo colores y formas. Los meses tercero y cuarto la instrucción se amplia agregando a los colores y formas el movimiento y los materiales de lo que las cosas están hechas. Es en los meses quinto y sexto cuando al fin se logran crear los confiables cuadros mentales de referencia. Esto abarca la mitad del curso, por lo tanto los últimos seis meses se agrega nuestro pensamiento intencional .El ser humano necesita incrementar el numero de horas empleadas en “pensar” por el simple placer que de ello se deriva. Al terminar el curso se nos facilita el poder atrevernos a contribuir con nuestros descubrimientos referentes a innovar y a crear nuevos campos de pensamiento y acción. Verdaderamente siente uno que se motiva enormemente y se reafirma el hábito de participar en nuestra sociedad. Es como si al iniciar el programa tuviésemos solo cuatro soluciones a los problemas que aquejan a la humanidad, pero a los seis meses tenemos diez y seis y al terminar el curso muchísimas más soluciones. Nuestra profesión se beneficia, nuestra familia se beneficia ya que como valor agregado facilita la tan deseada integración familiar en donde todos sus miembros participan por igual; nadie tiene la ventaja. Es un año lleno de descubrimientos, son doce meses de sentir como nuestra mente se ensancha pudiendo apreciar nuevos horizontes llenos de positivas expectaciones.
Al lograr un mayor uso de nuestros procesos mentales podremos conocernos más íntimamente. Cuando uno se conoce, y obviamente conoce no solo el calibre mental que poseemos, sino también nuestras emociones predominantes y específicamente nuestros atributos y dones espirituales podemos, si así lo queremos, tener un confiable punto de partida, en otras palabras una muy sólida plataforma en nuestro diario crecer con las diversas experiencias que tenemos día a día. Vamos a tener la capacidad de imitar a la naturaleza. Que significa esto? Significa que así como la naturaleza funciona a lo largo de líneas de menor resistencia, así podremos nosotros utilizar todos los dones y habilidades con los que nacimos, y después podremos desarrollar nuevos dones y habilidades. No perder nuestro valioso tiempo en algo en lo cual solo seremos mediocres. Sí, ya sé que para la mente y voluntad humanas no existen imposibles, pero seamos inteligentes y aprovechemos a la máxima potencia nuestros dones!
La adecuada y correcta concentración se nos facilita más. Nuestro relajamiento físico mental se convierte en algo simple y sencillo de lograr. Nuestras meditaciones se vuelven más confiables ya que podemos acceder más fácilmente a la eterna e inagotable fuente de la sabiduría. Para poder resolver difíciles problemas el conocimiento no es suficiente ya que necesitamos sabiduría. Recordemos que la vida no se hizo para aguantarla se hizo para disfrutarla a toda plenitud. Tengamos presente que somos almas eternas con temporales cuerpos físicos y no eternos cuerpos físicos con un alma perecedera. Te ofrezco practicar un verdadero misticismo. Te invito a que hagas todo lo humanamente posible por desarrollar con seguridad máxima todo tu hermosísimo potencial interno que ya posees. Estás cordialmente invitado a participar en la más grandiosa de las aventuras. El descubrimiento de la útil, pero a la vez siempre confiable voz interior.
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