Programa de superación personal basado en el aprendizaje por descubrimiento, observaciones detalladas y un pensamiento intencional diario.Esto crea varios confiables marcos de referencia permitiéndonos triplicar el uso de nuestros procesos mentales enfatizando nuestra creatividad.
jueves, 25 de agosto de 2011
16 de Agosto del 2,011
El ser humano siempre ha contado con un divino elemento que lo motiva, lo mueve, lo hace ser y estar consciente de que tiene que hacer algo muy positivo con su vida, es por esta poderosa razón que en su cumpleaños y al principio de un año nuevo existe gran entusiasmo por alcanzar muy nobles metas. Esta característica divina nace del hecho de que somos seres espirituales teniendo experiencias humanas. La falta de sabiduría respecto a que la suma de pequeños y constantes esfuerzos durante todo el año siempre será inmensamente superior a un gran esfuerzo llevado a cabo solo por un mes o menos. Nos falta sistema y orden. En otras palabras carecemos de una autodisciplina férrea.
En mi caso emplee más de treinta y cinco años buscando una fórmula secreta en libros y revistas con temas científicos, morales, culturales, psicológicos, filosóficos, metafísicos, místicos y esotéricos tanto en idioma inglés como en español. Lo que aprendí es que en verdad todos los libros son excelentes e importantes, pero solo logran motivarnos por un par de meses a lo sumo. Otra gran verdad aprendida es que un hombre inteligente le sabe sacar provecho a sus ventajas, pero un hombre sabio además de saber sacarle provecho a sus ventajas sabe también aprovechar las doradas oportunidades que le brindan las aparentes desventajas.
Sería una maravillosa e útil idea el contar con muy concretos cuadros de referencia, específicamente aquellos que combinan armoniosamente todos nuestros procesos mentales, gran involucración emocional principalmente el permitir poco a poco la manifestación de nuestros atributos y dones de nuestra divinidad. En otras palabras algo que constantemente nos recuerde lo prioritario respecto a nuestras metas e ideales espirituales. El sistema COSMOS SIETE fue diseñado para poder auto ayudarme. Ahora deseo poder compartirlo con ustedes. Y los de ustedes que se convenzan de la gran utilidad de este programa anual en un futuro no lejano también lo compartan con más seres humanos realmente interesados en ello. Deseo solo una oportunidad de demostrar con hechos lo anteriormente mencionado. Sé muy bien de que sí dispones de al menos media hora de estudio, observando y descubriendo muchísimas cosas que aparentemente no te has dado cabal cuenta. Te atrevés?
Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar
Man has always counted with a divine element which has motivated, driven, and made overcome a lot of difficulties, tests and trials. Let’s remember that we are spiritual beings having human experiences. This is always emphasized during a new year and in one’s birthday, but this desire lasts at least just a month! Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we knew how to keep alive this drive all year long? Just imagine the wonderful results obtained in a single year. A dynamic and enjoyable year. Well, dear friends and relatives the time for me to share such knowledge has come.
The wonderful results of doing a thirty five year long research will be now yours and it will only take a whole year! The program is a harmonious combination of scientific, philosophical, psychological, metaphysical, esoteric, mental, cultural and spiritual knowledge. The program counts with reliable frameworks which succeed in harmonizing all our mental processes, our altruistic emotions and specifically each one of our spiritual attributes abilities and gifts.
What do I wish? It is very simple indeed. I want to have a chance to prove with facts the great benefits and advantages obtained by this yearly program. I need your help to keep the snow ball rolling downwards.
Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar
Written by Ezequiel Rodríguez
Friday, 19 September 2008 18:27 -
I consider this article a very practical lesson.
Our world is filled up mostly with people who are afraid to initiate a single action me included. Why is this so? Because it is much more comfortable to be passive watching other people take action. Apparently it is safer. To act in spite of obstacles, shortcomings and adverse situations make us cowards. Why on Earth should we take dangerous chances? Imagine if everybody became a spectator instead of an actor in the stage of life. We couldn't understand progress at all!
We've forgotten our important mission here and now in our planet Earth. Each one of us must become a world's contributor for the benefit of humankind. Our worst words uttered will be. “If we've left everything to our governments, we would have
failed as members of our human race" This feeling of betrayal will be unbearable. Not only will we have betrayed our community, but ourselves for not trying to give the very best in us! This is indeed our greatest challenge; that in spite of facing many negative aspects in our lives we must succeed in the participation big game. We've forgotten that each one of us is made different from the rest. Here lies the big secret!
We posses combined skills and attributes that nobody has! So, if we don't allow our ideas to work by manifesting them in our lives, we will surely fail.
Does this mean that we are selfish? No, of course not! Maybe it is that we are very afraid of being rejected? Hum! That's right! That's our big issue most of the time. Sometimes we are much more afraid of being successful than of failing. Why? To succeed in something implies acquiring many more obligations and responsibilities. Let's never forget that we can't remain still forever. Sooner or later we will be forced to act. Then why don't we start initiating some actions? There are a lot of opportunities to do the above in our everyday lives. We will be positively amazed by all these results. We will also learn that we have mistakenly underestimated ourselves. Let's think big not small. Don't panic against our great institutions and worldwide conglomerates, because they all are our equals.
Best regards Amorifer 297.
Those of us who are 100% convinced having lived before many times in many lands throughout at least four millennia being sometimes women and other times men from every single social position including being slaves. We all not only love, but really enjoy imagining the scenarios we moved in. Much more than dates, rulers and battles we enjoy recalling everyday lives, specifically family life and how we carried out with gusto our professions. Let me give you a simple example; life in Ancient History. The homes we used to live in, the common household objects, the tools of our trades, the weapons used by soldiers and warriors, the priests, the roads, the starlit sky, the sacred places to visit, our long journeys in ships, caravans, the candles, the footwear, the stone bridges, the illnesses, the food, the fields, the animals used in transportation, the temples, churches, castles and shrines we used to be in and so forth remained almost the same for two thousand years. Just imagine having to work from sunrise to sunset. This is the reason people who travel find themselves experiencing some very strong déjà vu in both far way lands and when we go out to the country and we are surrounded just by nature. I thank God for having used me as a channel for at least a dozen people who discovered some of their past lives with my suggestions. From 2,007 to the present time there have been four people at and at FACEBOOK who have discovered wonderful aspects of their past lives.
It is when we are able to experience some flashbacks from past lives when we start to appreciate our current life as a great blessing! We never use it to escape our obligations and responsibilities. We use this wisdom to strive for more opportunities to apply every piece of knowledge obtained from our wonderful life’s lessons.
The following parts require your active participation by sharing with this group your pasty life experiences.
Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar
Indeed that we are the harmonious blending of body, mind and soul, so it is desirable that all our lives we could give each one of these parts the proper attention and care. Our body needs nutritious food, plenty of water, some exercise, spending some time relaxing our cells, tissues and organ , learning to absorb the Earth’s needed negative polarity, deep breathing to vitalize our blood with the vital life force coming from the sun’s rays and something which has almost been forgotten; to align our bodies with the healthy rhythm from the Universe. Our modern society has forgotten this latest recommendation.
Our minds need to be constantly stimulated with enjoyable intentional thinking sessions by reading all the great works of alchemists, mystics, inventors, philosophers, poets, esoteric knowledge, reading the classics and writing down our own insights regarding how we perceive life. Our spiritual side, like our body needs the proper spiritual food; our altruistic emotions, happiness and a sense of sharing our mental and divine gifts. To wake up every morning with great expectations of experiencing something never experienced before, learning something valuable and then share it; In simpler words smile at God, humanity and Nature; Feeling being a very important part of universal live, light and life in perfect harmony.
Millennia have proven man the importance to have meditation periods in which all the above can be accomplished. From a holistic view point meditation has helped man dealing with coping with stressful situations in his life. We posses a happy attitude when our mind has gone though some spiritual discipline. It has been by mediating when man has been able to integrate harmoniously body, mind and spirit. Our current physical well being is the result of the great release of a renewed positive force getting rid of negative emotions on this healthy process. We also experience an easy way to reach the fountain of divine inspiration, golden moments of peace profound; sharing our happiness and more importantly even when we sleep our spirit carries our important cosmic mission helping humanity in many ways. Indeed what a great blessing!
The way we feel and function in our outer life is determined to a very great extent by our inner life; our happiness, our confidence, our moods, our consciousness become a reliable channel to express our gratitude to our Maker. When we are happy and calm, difficulties and problems are easily cope with effectively.
There has been an esoteric principle widely observed. What is this amazing principle? We start living a balanced dual life; we succeed in fulfilling our obligations and responsibilities as we also start crystallizing our high ideals at the same time. In other words we realize that we are spiritual beings having human experiences, so our wonderful learning never stops at all!
Meditation balances the inner and outer worlds and brings out the true nature of our nature; compassion, self-acceptance, joyfulness, serenity, loving kindness, strength plus we achieve God’s supreme desire of looking at other human beings as our true brothers and sisters! We understand that the inner lives of these human beings are very similar to our master within. Step by step we start understanding God’s wishes to become our brother’s keeper. Now our happiness is to do our best to make other people happy. To communicate our passion for living despite of the physical age we have. It is our spiritual age what matters the most.
I thank you deeply for allowing me to communicate my most profound convictions.
Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar
Indeed that we are the harmonious blending of body, mind and soul, so it is desirable that all our lives we could give each one of these parts the proper attention and care. Our body needs nutritious food, plenty of water, some exercise, spending some time relaxing our cells, tissues and organ , learning to absorb the Earth’s needed negative polarity, deep breathing to vitalize our blood with the vital life force coming from the sun’s rays and something which has almost been forgotten; to align our bodies with the healthy rhythm from the Universe. Our modern society has forgotten this latest recommendation.
Our minds need to be constantly stimulated with enjoyable intentional thinking sessions by reading all the great works of alchemists, mystics, inventors, philosophers, poets, esoteric knowledge, reading the classics and writing down our own insights regarding how we perceive life. Our spiritual side, like our body needs the proper spiritual food; our altruistic emotions, happiness and a sense of sharing our mental and divine gifts. To wake up every morning with great expectations of experiencing something never experienced before, learning something valuable and then share it; In simpler words smile at God, humanity and Nature; Feeling being a very important part of universal live, light and life in perfect harmony.
Millennia have proven man the importance to have meditation periods in which all the above can be accomplished. From a holistic view point meditation has helped man dealing with coping with stressful situations in his life. We posses a happy attitude when our mind has gone though some spiritual discipline. It has been by mediating when man has been able to integrate harmoniously body, mind and spirit. Our current physical well being is the result of the great release of a renewed positive force getting rid of negative emotions on this healthy process. We also experience an easy way to reach the fountain of divine inspiration, golden moments of peace profound; sharing our happiness and more importantly even when we sleep our spirit carries our important cosmic mission helping humanity in many ways. Indeed what a great blessing!
The way we feel and function in our outer life is determined to a very great extent by our inner life; our happiness, our confidence, our moods, our consciousness become a reliable channel to express our gratitude to our Maker. When we are happy and calm, difficulties and problems are easily cope with effectively.
There has been an esoteric principle widely observed. What is this amazing principle? We start living a balanced dual life; we succeed in fulfilling our obligations and responsibilities as we also start crystallizing our high ideals at the same time. In other words we realize that we are spiritual beings having human experiences, so our wonderful learning never stops at all!
Meditation balances the inner and outer worlds and brings out the true nature of our nature; compassion, self-acceptance, joyfulness, serenity, loving kindness, strength plus we achieve God’s supreme desire of looking at other human beings as our true brothers and sisters! We understand that the inner lives of these human beings are very similar to our master within. Step by step we start understanding God’s wishes to become our brother’s keeper. Now our happiness is to do our best to make other people happy. To communicate our passion for living despite of the physical age we have. It is our spiritual age what matters the most.
I thank you deeply for allowing me to communicate my most profound convictions.
Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar
If we appreciate man as a spiritual being having needed human experiences, we immediately comprehend his urge of depending on his daily mental creations to aid him living a healthy dual life. It’s been man’s burning desire which has made him to materialize his thoughts, intents, dreams and wishes into all kinds of contributions.
We, the human race are blessed using learning by discovery. It is when one finds new applications, brand new approaches to what we know when humanity takes big leaps in its mission of perfecting humankind. What is strongly imprinted in our spiritual part is the need to create, but every single one of these creating must find the correct channels of expression. It is extremely important that we recognize the golden opportunity we will face. There are still many needs to be filled out. If we fail in not listening to our inner self’s very subtle voice we will betray not only our community, but what is much worse we will have betrayed ourselves. Our divine part, which is as important as our external human part won’t find the needed daily opportunities of contributing with goods and services for our human race.
Every human being has come to this plane of existence with many divine gifts and attributes. It would so wonderful to experience a great increase in this divine task in as many people as possible.
So, my profound conviction is to have created THE COSMOS SIETE PROGRAM. This useful and easy to follow methodology will allow many of us to do something about our world and in the process to make some money. This money will be later used to support first our local talents, similar projects and new thoughts and idea to ne able to enjoy the sweet fruits of a truthful and harmonious progress. Allow me to give you a useful suggestion; use your three stages of learning; learning by memory, comprehension and intentional thinking relying on the mental processes of imagination.
Ezequiel Roddríguez Saldívar
19 de Agosto 2,011
Poco a poco, como todo lo vital y duradero en la vida, se integran armoniosamente nuestros procesos mentales; memoria, razonamiento, imaginación e intuición junto con nuestras emociones altruistas y fuerza de voluntad. En los dos primeros meses la metodología está diseñada para saber observar y recordar lo colores y formas. Los meses tercero y cuarto la instrucción se amplia agregando a los colores y formas el movimiento y los materiales de lo que las cosas están hechas. Es en los meses quinto y sexto cuando al fin se logran crear los confiables cuadros mentales de referencia. Esto abarca la mitad del curso, por lo tanto los últimos seis meses se agrega nuestro pensamiento intencional .El ser humano necesita incrementar el numero de horas empleadas en “pensar” por el simple placer que de ello se deriva. Al terminar el curso se nos facilita el poder atrevernos a contribuir con nuestros descubrimientos referentes a innovar y a crear nuevos campos de pensamiento y acción. Verdaderamente siente uno que se motiva enormemente y se reafirma el hábito de participar en nuestra sociedad. Es como si al iniciar el programa tuviésemos solo cuatro soluciones a los problemas que aquejan a la humanidad, pero a los seis meses tenemos diez y seis y al terminar el curso muchísimas más soluciones. Nuestra profesión se beneficia, nuestra familia se beneficia ya que como valor agregado facilita la tan deseada integración familiar en donde todos sus miembros participan por igual; nadie tiene la ventaja. Es un año lleno de descubrimientos, son doce meses de sentir como nuestra mente se ensancha pudiendo apreciar nuevos horizontes llenos de positivas expectaciones.
Al lograr un mayor uso de nuestros procesos mentales podremos conocernos más íntimamente. Cuando uno se conoce, y obviamente conoce no solo el calibre mental que poseemos, sino también nuestras emociones predominantes y específicamente nuestros atributos y dones espirituales podemos, si así lo queremos, tener un confiable punto de partida, en otras palabras una muy sólida plataforma en nuestro diario crecer con las diversas experiencias que tenemos día a día. Vamos a tener la capacidad de imitar a la naturaleza. Que significa esto? Significa que así como la naturaleza funciona a lo largo de líneas de menor resistencia, así podremos nosotros utilizar todos los dones y habilidades con los que nacimos, y después podremos desarrollar nuevos dones y habilidades. No perder nuestro valioso tiempo en algo en lo cual solo seremos mediocres. Sí, ya sé que para la mente y voluntad humanas no existen imposibles, pero seamos inteligentes y aprovechemos a la máxima potencia nuestros dones!
La adecuada y correcta concentración se nos facilita más. Nuestro relajamiento físico mental se convierte en algo simple y sencillo de lograr. Nuestras meditaciones se vuelven más confiables ya que podemos acceder más fácilmente a la eterna e inagotable fuente de la sabiduría. Para poder resolver difíciles problemas el conocimiento no es suficiente ya que necesitamos sabiduría. Recordemos que la vida no se hizo para aguantarla se hizo para disfrutarla a toda plenitud. Tengamos presente que somos almas eternas con temporales cuerpos físicos y no eternos cuerpos físicos con un alma perecedera. Te ofrezco practicar un verdadero misticismo. Te invito a que hagas todo lo humanamente posible por desarrollar con seguridad máxima todo tu hermosísimo potencial interno que ya posees. Estás cordialmente invitado a participar en la más grandiosa de las aventuras. El descubrimiento de la útil, pero a la vez siempre confiable voz interior.
martes, 7 de junio de 2011
El que esto escribe, como se que la mayoría de ustedes empezó su viaje en el sendero a una muy temprana edad. Creo que fue a los tres años de edad ya que mi hermano Javier nació cuando yo tenía solo tres años y medio. Recuerdo que solamente a ambos padres y su servidor visitando varios lugares y también impresiones muy vividas de una vida hogareña. La profunda curiosidad que aun continúa en mí logro que este cerebro escaneara cada objeto en el hogar, en las calles y los diferentes rostros de familiares, muy especialmente sus actitudes. Era cuando era llevado por mi madre a la iglesia cuando me impacto fuertemente el ambiente armoniosamente envolvente, ahora se que fueron los rituales de la iglesia católica los quien lograron despertar en mi una realización de haber vivido antes muchas, muchas veces. El ir con ambos padres al cine a la última función también dejo una huella en mi consciencia. Aun recuerdo que me quedaba dormido a mitad de la función y los diálogos en ingles de dichas cintas quedaron grabadas en mi cerebro.
Al cumplir los seis años de edad después de misa de niños acostumbraba ir con mis amigos, los vecinos de barrio al matiné dominical .Recuerdo que durante la misa mi ser estaba en los zapatos del cura que ofrecía misa. Mi mente era transportada a lugares muy diferentes a mi ciudad natal y a épocas muy lejanas.
Recuerdo que salía del estupor a los diez minutos después de iniciar la película matutina. En mi consciencia y comprensión la función de un cura era lo mas cercano que un ser humano pudiese estar cerca de Dios! A esta edad y hasta los nueve años de edad la costumbre de acompañar a mis padres al cine continuaba, pero ahora me mantenía muy despierto ya que el ver algunas de estas películas me provocaban impactantes deja vus. Otra experiencia fue la de vivir muy cerca de un pequeña pista de despegue y aterrizaje de avionetas y biplanos. Cuando escuchaba el ruido de los motores dentro de la casa inmediatamente salía para gozar verlos elevarse. Me sentía piloto de dichas aeronaves, “sabia” lo que estos pilotos experimentaban inclusive como ellos veían la ciudad y los paisajes desde allá arriba a través de los lentes especiales y la gorra de dichos pilotos.
Fueron las lecturas de los libros de texto de la escuela primaria una armoniosa atracción intelectual. La mayoría de los cuentos en los libros de lectura me eran muy familiares, especialmente las narraciones árabes, chinas y sudamericanas, pero fue un muy pesado, antiguo, grueso y con olor a viejo libro de filosofía lo que cambio mi vida para siempre! Tenia trece años de edad cuando un tío mío me regalo dicho libro. Fascinado devoraba su contenido como hipnotizado por tanta sabiduría contenida en dicho bello ejemplar. Cuando llegue a la sección de Moral fue como si un rayo golpeara mi ser! Este libro ya había sido mío! Este libro ya había sido leído por mi antes! Este libro y yo éramos viejos conocidos! Este libreo aun conservaba las vibraciones de mi vida pasada!
Los sábados acostumbraba visitar a los padres de mi madre. En el camino hacia un alto para detenerme y saborear un yuki mientras leía cinco “COMICS” por un peso. La casa de mis abuelos era de madera y tenia un patio trasero muy grande donde había muchos arboles frutales sembrados. Al frete y a los lados había sembradas muchas pantas olorosa y un gran ciprés. Era una familia pobre pero siempre había sido muy honrada y mi abuelo materno era siempre criticado por invertir en libros de religión, filosofía y clásicos. Esculcando unos de estos sábados encontré un viejo librero “EL NOVENTA Y TRES” escrito por Víctor Hugo sobre la revolución francesa. Me gusto tanto que después fui a la biblioteca publica y ahí leí a Julio Verne, Emilio Salgari, a Víctor Hugo, a Alejandro Dumas inclusive algunos libreos de Annie Bessant.
Fin de la primera parte.
El que esto escribe, como se que la mayoría de ustedes empezó su viaje en el sendero a una muy temprana edad. Creo que fue a los tres años de edad ya que mi hermano Javier nació cuando yo tenía solo tres años y medio. Recuerdo que solamente a ambos padres y su servidor visitando varios lugares y también impresiones muy vividas de una vida hogareña. La profunda curiosidad que aun continúa en mí logro que este cerebro escaneara cada objeto en el hogar, en las calles y los diferentes rostros de familiares, muy especialmente sus actitudes. Era cuando era llevado por mi madre a la iglesia cuando me impacto fuertemente el ambiente armoniosamente envolvente, ahora se que fueron los rituales de la iglesia católica los quien lograron despertar en mi una realización de haber vivido antes muchas, muchas veces. El ir con ambos padres al cine a la última función también dejo una huella en mi consciencia. Aun recuerdo que me quedaba dormido a mitad de la función y los diálogos en ingles de dichas cintas quedaron grabadas en mi cerebro.
Al cumplir los seis años de edad después de misa de niños acostumbraba ir con mis amigos, los vecinos de barrio al matiné dominical .Recuerdo que durante la misa mi ser estaba en los zapatos del cura que ofrecía misa. Mi mente era transportada a lugares muy diferentes a mi ciudad natal y a épocas muy lejanas.
Recuerdo que salía del estupor a los diez minutos después de iniciar la película matutina. En mi consciencia y comprensión la función de un cura era lo mas cercano que un ser humano pudiese estar cerca de Dios! A esta edad y hasta los nueve años de edad la costumbre de acompañar a mis padres al cine continuaba, pero ahora me mantenía muy despierto ya que el ver algunas de estas películas me provocaban impactantes deja vus. Otra experiencia fue la de vivir muy cerca de un pequeña pista de despegue y aterrizaje de avionetas y biplanos. Cuando escuchaba el ruido de los motores dentro de la casa inmediatamente salía para gozar verlos elevarse. Me sentía piloto de dichas aeronaves, “sabia” lo que estos pilotos experimentaban inclusive como ellos veían la ciudad y los paisajes desde allá arriba a través de los lentes especiales y la gorra de dichos pilotos.
Fueron las lecturas de los libros de texto de la escuela primaria una armoniosa atracción intelectual. La mayoría de los cuentos en los libros de lectura me eran muy familiares, especialmente las narraciones árabes, chinas y sudamericanas, pero fue un muy pesado, antiguo, grueso y con olor a viejo libro de filosofía lo que cambio mi vida para siempre! Tenia trece años de edad cuando un tío mío me regalo dicho libro. Fascinado devoraba su contenido como hipnotizado por tanta sabiduría contenida en dicho bello ejemplar. Cuando llegue a la sección de Moral fue como si un rayo golpeara mi ser! Este libro ya había sido mío! Este libro ya había sido leído por mi antes! Este libro y yo éramos viejos conocidos! Este libreo aun conservaba las vibraciones de mi vida pasada!
Los sábados acostumbraba visitar a los padres de mi madre. En el camino hacia un alto para detenerme y saborear un yuki mientras leía cinco “COMICS” por un peso. La casa de mis abuelos era de madera y tenia un patio trasero muy grande donde había muchos arboles frutales sembrados. Al frete y a los lados había sembradas muchas pantas olorosa y un gran ciprés. Era una familia pobre pero siempre había sido muy honrada y mi abuelo materno era siempre criticado por invertir en libros de religión, filosofía y clásicos. Esculcando unos de estos sábados encontré un viejo librero “EL NOVENTA Y TRES” escrito por Víctor Hugo sobre la revolución francesa. Me gusto tanto que después fui a la biblioteca publica y ahí leí a Julio Verne, Emilio Salgari, a Víctor Hugo, a Alejandro Dumas inclusive algunos libreos de Annie Bessant.
Fin de la primera parte.
I, like most of you, began this spiritual quest at an early age. I was drawn by the mysteries of life as I watched my parents behavior first and then by observing other relatives; my mother’s parents and my father’s mother grandparents on sides, aunts, uncles and by strangers who happened to enter my circle of awareness. I also enjoyed observing my immediate surroundings and common household objects.
Attending Sunday’s mass at my hometown’s Catholic Church transported me to ancient lands and some very strong memories began to surface as I watched very attentive at the ritual the priests performed! I usually experienced strong déjà vu as I saw myself in the priest’s shoes. To me it was the nearest action to communicate with God. There is another very strong spiritual experience as I watched some movies. To me being an actor was indeed very familiar. There was another spiritual experience as I watched fascinated flying biplanes and small aircrafts when we moved to the outskirts of my hometown where there was a small airfield just at a stone’s throw from home. The noise coming from the propellers immediately placed me at the pilot’s seat and I felt the goggles and cap some pilots used to wear.
Just imagine in the mind of a three year old child experiencing such different actions; being a parent, a priest, a writer, a teacher, a pilot, a doctor, a scientist even an old man!
It was until I was in second degree elementary school when the great love for books stared affecting my life in very positive ways, so when I was just ten years old being in fourth grade when an old Philosophy book was given to me when again a very strong sensation struck my mind. I had owned this same book! I was rereading this book. This book still possessed the vibrations of a human being whose soul was the same!
I also was attracted to reread several books belonging to my past century. I read almost all the books written by Jules Verne, Victor Hugo, Alexander Dumas, Emilio Salgari and Annie Bessant.
I did this due to the fact that in some Grammar lessons from elementary school a lot of their short stories were also familiar to me. For sixty years I devoured many books plus serious magazine articles dealing with culture, suddenly nine years ago I stopped doing this, now I need to create my own books, my own magazine articles. The time to receive was over and the time to give has just stared! To me is not a matter about how much you know, but how much you can give to others by sharing your mental/spiritual life’s experiences.
Our soul personality frequently bombards us with insights filled with eternal wisdom. We seek to find out our sacred missions in life. Everybody also logs to learn the cause and effect phenomena and more importantly our daily relationship with the divine part in ourselves; we need to feel the God of our loving empathic hearts very much alive. For centuries guided meditation has been a key factor to soar upwards into supreme illuminated spheres. These sacred spheres ascend spiral-like into the universe.
Galileo, Newton, Einstein, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Mohammed, Buddha, Jesus Christ and many global luminaries throughout history have had the discipline to spend their time to achieve spiritual growth and enlightenment. These great men ad also many women have followed great esoteric formulas and mental exercises. Would you like to imitate them and at the same time leave something for humankind?
We’ve learnt to shift our consciousness and our identity into a supremely divine plan; our place in the general scheme of things. It took me many years to develop a self-development program to be almost always certain regarding living in both worlds; a physical world, as well as a spiritual world done in a harmonious and happy manner. I stared with relearning to understand my perceptions, so I divided our physical world in six main categories; colors, shapes, perspective, materials that things are made of, movement and reflections. It was after a whole year doing this on a daily basis that I was ready to use my sixth sense to perceive the wonderful spiritual world.
Please give me some feedback about your own experiences.
Muy apreciados amigos y amados familiares hoy es un buen día para sacarle el máximo provecho y al mismo tiempo gozar de cada uno de nuestros emocionantes e interesantes auto descubrimientos acerca de nuestra creatividad y como mejorarla enormemente.
Se hace necearía un corta explicación a como llegue a poder compartir con ustedes los siempre dulces frutos del saber.
Desde mil novecientos sesenta y dos hasta mil novecientos noventa y dos mucho más que simple leer 1,560 lecciones semanales ininterrumpidamente durante treinta años, me hice el saludable habito de complementar dichas lecciones con varias lecturas complementarias en un mes. Hice este hábito de leer, estudiar y ampliar diversos temas sobre misticismo, arte y ciencia sacados de innumerables artículos de revistas y libros de texto especializados tanto en español como en ingles. Casi siempre busque la aplicación practica del conocimiento y sobre todo respecto a los ejercicios mentales me puse como meta hacerlos el triple de veces de lo que sugerían dichas lecciones. Aclaro que de estos treinta años, solo la última década la pase comentando y analizando la efectividad de dichas enseñanzas. Considero que a todos nos ayudo a optimizar dichas enseñanzas místicas. Fue hasta nuestro segundo año de reunirnos cada domingo durante tres horas cuando surgió una efectiva técnica a seguir. A principios de nuestro cuarto año de reunirnos descubrí que faltaba algo vital en dichas enseñanzas. Eran pésimas tradiciones del idioma ingles a nuestro bello idioma; carecían de los sabrosos ingredientes que a nosotros los latinos nos fascinan. Por lo tanto coopere en mejorar dicho sagrado conocimiento agregándole palabras extras a cada una de las oraciones. Esta inspiración me llego durante la media hora de mediación que cada reunión contaba.
Recurrí a varios libros sobre lingüística, especialmente a revistas como PSYCHOLOGY TODAY Y SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN para así poder ser mas explicito. Dichas reuniones esotéricas llevadas acabo los domingos tuvieron lugar desde mil novecientos noventa y uno al año dos mil uno.
Por favor comenten en esto para así poder compartir con ustedes mucho más.
Atenta y amorosamente
Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldivar
It is indeed amazing how man possessing this modern technology gets farther away from his true essence. Man has always been intelligent enough to take advantage of his advantages and man has always been wise enough to succeed in taking advantage of his disadvantages. The time for us to make an excellent use of our high-tech has come! What took months of deep research of any topic now just takes a few well spent hours. In order to continue enjoying having a productive life by striving to improve himself man has to take drastic measures regarding overcoming difficult times, and succeeding in the persuade of his well being. Since ancient times man has discovered that some of his time must be spent deeply immersed in the search of self-knowledge. First hand experiences with places, people, things and events have taught him very valuable information and it is using wisely our modern technology when we can use useful second hand experiences with people, places and events!
Time spent in the eternal quest of self-knowledge has allowed man to understand much better the eternal laws of Mother Nature. These two constant actions will permit him to have just a little glimpse of God’s Divine Realm, but this experience will be enough for him to now spend more of his time discovering this new brave and amazing spiritual world.
To be successful in the above important actions, we have to devote ourselves, in a very serious way, to the task of possessing self-discipline and to demonstrate to our selves certain degree of impersonality. First of all, what is self-discipline? It is our impatience being successfully controlled by us. Everything worth in life requires system and order. Talking about impersonality, it is when somebody is able to demonstrate an increasing measure of it, when we can affirm that this person is on the right track.
I insist, when we can express with our daily actions, that we have a good degree of self-discipline at that moment it will be easier for us to harmonize opposing vibrations. This positive element allows us to control our minds in such a way that it should follow our suggestions through the proper channels. Our minds won’t be wondering wherever they wish to go. In other words we won’t be at the mercy of our minds anymore. They will always follow our soul personality’s wise orders.
It is by expressing altruistic emotional states that we can help people not to continue wasting great quantities of their precious human talent, so badly needed nowadays. Also by sharing our intellectual feats is that we can improve a lot of useful things. Things which are important in enjoying our daily living, and what’s more important by letting absolute freedom to our soul personality to manifest everyday all their beautiful and powerful skills, attributes and divine gifts that we can contribute to the enlighten of mankind. I keep insisting it isn’t a simple matter of putting aside the physical, emotional and mental vehicles of expression, waiting for a positive spiritual manifestation to start doing good deeds, no what I mean is to wisely use our vehicles at the mercy of our true Self. I know that it isn’t an easy task, but because it isn’t easy is that we most continue seeking for our inner voice as a reliable guide. So what do we need then? A very practical spiritual technique needs to be created. This technique won’t be a theory; on the contrary it will be an intensely practical thing. Eventually, by using this technique we will demonstrate ourselves that we finally posses enough endurance and patience to learn how to benefic effectively mankind.
Summarizing: , it is when we really know ourselves when we can use our soul personality as a powerful and reliable tool of power, but never forget that we will become full time givers, never receivers, well receivers of great cosmic blessings, but very rarely man’s. The technique is the science of applied force, and there’s no greater power than the Divine Force. Imagine being able to have free access to this never ending fountain of live water full of inspiration, consolation and peace from our Creator and its indescribable, harmonious hierarchy.
As always with tons of Divine life, light and love from my now very brave heart to your also very brave hearts.
Ezequiel Rodriguez Saldivar
Cada día me sorprendo más y más de como nuestra maravillosa tecnología aleja mas al hombre de su verdadera esencia divina.
El hombre siempre ha sacado provecho de sus ventajas debido a su inteligencia, pero mucho mas importante son los hechos de que este mismo hombre usando su sabiduría le ha sacado enorme provecho a sus desventajas y problemas. Esta sabiduría es característica de la mente universal de su alma personalidad. En otras palabras, su cerebro esta diseñado para Hacer inferencias ya que su mente subjetiva lo ayuda a pensar lógicamente usando un razonamiento deductivo e inductivo. La mente del hombre le pertenece a su eterna alama personalidad. Esta mente subconsciente tiene acceso a archivos mentales espirituales y además a la inagotable fuente de la inspiración divina. Esta mente es súper flexible y usando el hilo de la imaginación puede moverse a la velocidad de la luz hacia el pasado pero también hacia al futuro.
Son nuestras meditaciones el medio de transporte seguro de viajar y encontrar miles de trozos de valiosísima información. Todo ayuda. El relajamiento, la concentración y la visualización apoyadas por el incienso, las flores frescas, la suave música de fondo, los sonidos vocales, los mantras, las formulas alquímicas, los ejercicios esotéricos, el rítmico vaivén, la Gran Jerarquía Divina y especialmente la línea directa a Dios!
La auto-disciplina usada en el misticismo es la piedra angular para poder crear esta solida estructura de nuestro crecimiento espiritual.
Son programas como COSMOS SIETE los que en solo un año de nuestras vidas es suficiente para desarrollar eficaces marcos de referencia y nosotros mismos diseñar nuestro programa de un continuo desarrollo personal los siguientes seis años restantes , los cuales forman un ciclo completo.
Ezequiel Rodriguez Saldivar
From this contribution on I’d appreciate you a lot every single one of your sacred commentaries. Please help me make these contributions better for the benefit of many more sincere spiritual seekers.
Man, appreciated as a harmonious integrated being: soul, mind and body, has indeed every single tool to improve his life. God, our Maker has already given us everything! We can see and wonder how our physical body improves with exercise, a healthy diet and the proper thoughts. The improvement of our minds is a little more difficult to be fully appreciated. Ah! Our spirit however is indeed a blessing. Our soul personality can achieve miracles in both our bodies and our minds because it’s always followed unchangeable cosmic laws from the beginning of times in a subconscious manner.
Since the year two thousand and seven my goal has been to interchange with my peers, serious spiritual seekers, tips, formulas which have worked for us, so I’ve decided to bring out the best of my mental-spiritual experiences had by our spiritual beings throughout thousand of years living on this planet and also in our spiritual mansions. It is a very strong conviction that we, who think alike, are needed by our world! I am humbly sharing over fifty two years of wonderful experiences in this life time and many millennia as I like yourselves we all became beautiful living souls.
I’m eager to listen to each one of your experiences. One of the many gifts God gave was to know the attributes, skills and gifts of human beings. During fifty two years I have been able to help out about three dozen people in my community. This golden opportunity has allowed me to offer you a year long course of self-development; there are just forty eight lessons and four exams in this course. Four lessons per month. It is totally free! All I require is your well worth feedback. The goal is to be able to create four useful frameworks. The technique I wish to share will indeed give you some golden opportunities in your life.
I thank you from the core of this always loving spiritual heart!
Ezequiel Rodríguez Salivar
Junio/01/’11; Luna Nueva; día lunar uno.
Estimados Amigos y familiares a partir de hoy estaré sumamente agradecido por sus apreciados comentarios sobre los temas a tratar. Les pido amablemente me ayuden a expender y mejorar cada una de mis humildes contribuciones cuando ustedes hayan tenido experiencias similares o bien desean saber mas sobre el tema en ventilación.
Empecemos pues esta contribución. El ser humano, visto como un armonioso ser integral compuesto de alma, mente y cuerpo tiene a su alcance las herramientas y dones necesarios para poder mejorar su vida y de los que la rodean. Nuestro Divino Creador nos ha equipado con todo lo necesario para cumplir con nuestra sagrada misión en la vida. El mejoramiento de nuestro cuerpo físico siempre ha sido fácilmente apreciado por la gente y por nosotros mismos desde tiempos inmemorables. El ejercicio junto con una dieta balanceada y pensamientos armoniosos han logrado convencernos. Respecto a optimizar nuestra mente depende grandemente de nuestra profesión. Muchas veces, sin embargo nuestra profesión ha fallado en permitirnos crecer mentalmente, pero han sido nuestros pasatiempos los confiables indicadores de nuestro crecimiento intelectual. Desde que tengo uso de razón he tenido una confiable sensibilidad espiritual en saber que seres humanos comparten conmigo este don divino.
Ha sido durante toda esta vida presente la que me ha brindado excelentes oportunidades de conocer y tratar gente bella a todos niveles. Gente que comparte conmigo y yo con ellos los más bellos aspectos de la vida. Una vida perdurable llena de amables sorpresas y recompensas espiritualmente superiores. Primeramente en y recientemente en FACEBOOK.
He sido testigo de los logros espirituales de estas personas. Ellas siguen irradiando el amor universal mediante sus valiosas e interesantes contribuciones.
Mi meta, desde el año dos mil siete ha sido el intercambiar experiencias mentales/espirituales, específicamente las lecciones de vida aprendidas. Mi profunda convicción es que seria una magnifica idea compartirlas con los demás. Cada uno de los “tips”, formulas, trucos e inspiraciones. El lograr hacer esto verdaderamente hará reste mundo un mundo mejor. No venimos a este mundo a competir, sino a compartir!
Estoy dispuesto a tratar de escuchar cada una de sus experiencias. Uno de los muchos dones que Dios me regaló es el de “saber” los atributos, habilidades y dones de los demás. Durante cincuenta y dos años he ayudado, con ayuda Divina por supuesto a sinceros buscadores espirituales en mi comunidad. Esto me ha ayudado a crear un efectiva técnica la cual deseo compartirla con todos ustedes mediante un programa de superación personal basada principalmente en los ciclos de la vida, específicamente en el numero siete.
Deseas participar en este provechoso curso? No tiene costo alguno, solo tus vitales retroalimentaciones. Cada tres meses habrá un sencillo examen. Cada mes contara con cuatro lecciones y algunas lecciones complementarias dependiendo de las dudas de ustedes. Muchísimas gracias.
Ezequiel Rodríguez Salivar
lunes, 9 de mayo de 2011
Es una buena idea iniciar esta útil lección con una invocación con triple repetición al Dios de nuestros amantes corazones y al Dios de nuestra experiencia espiritual.
Primera repetición focalizando nuestra atención en nuestro plexo solar:
“Sagrado Maestro del universo te ruego humilde y fervientemente ser el recipiente vibrante de algunas de tus divinas bendiciones, por lo tanto que tu nube espiritual de color violeta brillante envuelva totalmente mi cuerpo y poco a poco vaya penetrando en cada una de mis células de mi vibrante y poderoso plexo solar, despertando a cada una de sus células; exteriores e interiores. Ayúdame a entonarlo con Tu Gran Vibración y Llénalo con tu Universal Vida perdurable llevando mi alma a su eterna morada y una vez ahí glorificar tu reino y tus Divinos Atributos. Amén!”
Cerramos los ojos y hacemos lo posible por “sentir” en nuestro plexo solar cada una de estas palabras. Volvemos a repetir esta sagrada invocación, pero ahora nuestra concentración estará focalizada en nuestro plexo cardiaco:
“Sagrado Maestro del universo te ruego humilde y fervientemente ser el recipiente vibrante de algunas de tus divinas bendiciones, por lo tanto que tu nube espiritual de color violeta brillante envuelva totalmente mi cuerpo y poco a poco vaya penetrando en cada una de mis células de mi plexo cardiaco con tu Amor Universal llevando mi alma a su eterna morada y una vez ahí glorificar tu reino y tus Divinos Atributos. Amén!”
De nuevo cerramos los ojos y sentimos en nuestro plexo cardiaco cada una de estas palabras de entonamiento. Estamos listos par nuestra tercer repetición, pero ahora nuestra focalización será en nuestro cuerpo PINEAL y sus conexiones con la glándula pituitaria y tercer ojo.
“Sagrado Maestro del universo te ruego humilde y fervientemente ser el recipiente vibrante de algunas de tus divinas bendiciones mentales, por lo tanto que tu nube espiritual de color violeta brillante envuelva totalmente mi cuerpo y poco a poco vaya penetrando en cada una de mis células de mi cráneo, específicamente a mi glándula PINEAL . Llénala con Tu Inteligencia Universal para que mi Memoria Total ordene y archive cada una de las lecciones aprendidas llevando mi alma a su eterna morada y una vez ahí glorificar tu reino y tus Divinos Atributos. Amén!”
Cierra los ojos y considérate un ser espiritual muy afortunado meditando en tu vida y comprometiéndote a satisfacer completamente tus obligaciones y responsabilidades, pero a la vez cambiándolas con tus nobles ideales.
Tanto mis compañeros y compañeras de estudio como más tarde mis leales estudiantes se beneficiaron enormemente en sus meditaciones semanales, incluso diarias. Insisto son todos ustedes muy afortunados, ya que tardamos siete años de este tipo de meditaciones para mejóralas. Este simple ritual fue el parte aguas que marcó la gran diferencia entre nosotros y los demás estudiantes en el mundo entero.
Les pido humildemente por sus retroalimentaciones además de su interés de involucrarse por solo un año en este tipo de enseñanzas.
Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar
This is just only one very practical example of guided meditations, so if followed immediate positive results will be appreciated.
The author of such guided mediations used them for twenty years for Hispanic students in order to learn English effectively. He discovered that a good introduction really helps students attain excellent results. Let’s start then with a prayer repeated three times; this prayer will make us getting attuned easily and effortlessly with Supreme Divine Forces.
Please send your consciousness to the area of your solar plexus and do your best to feel every single word of this prayer just right there.
“Beloved and blessed Master of the Universe and beautiful Humanity I beg Thee in a humble manner to be a loving vibrant vessel of some of the blessings my integral being needs. Please allow your bright violet color spinning cloud to shelter me and gradually your Divine Essence penetrates in each one of the cells of my solar plexus fully awakening them, and then aid me in attuning them with Your Powerful Vibration filling it up with your Universal Eternal Life. Take my soul to its mansion and from there Glorify they Sacred Name and Kingdom. Amen!”
It is time to close our eyes and do our best “to feel” how our solar plexus increases its temperature with each one of the words contained in this our first sacred prayer to be able to obtain the great benefits of our guided meditation.
“Beloved and blessed Master of the Universe and beautiful Humanity I beg Thee in a humble manner to be a loving vibrant vessel of some of the blessings my integral being needs. Please allow your bright violet color spinning cloud to shelter me and gradually your Divine Essence penetrates in each one of the cells of my cardiac plexus fully awakening them, and then aid me in attuning them with Your Powerful Vibration filling it up with your Universal Eternal Love. Take my soul to its mansion and from there Glorify they Sacred Name and Kingdom. Amen!”
It is time to close our eyes and do our best “to feel” how our cardiac plexus increases its temperature with each one of the words contained in this our first sacred prayer to be able to obtain the great benefits of our guided meditation.
“Beloved and blessed Master of the Universe and beautiful Humanity I beg Thee in a humble manner to be a loving vibrant vessel of some of the blessings my integral being needs. Please allow your bright violet color spinning cloud to shelter me and gradually your Divine Essence penetrates in each one of the cells of my pineal organ fully awakening it and then do the same with my pituitary gland and finally with my third eye , and then aid me in attuning them with Your Powerful Vibration filling it up with your Universal Eternal Intelligence. Take my soul to its mansion and from there Glorify they Sacred Name and Kingdom. Amen!”
It is time to close our eyes and do our best “to feel” how our pineal gland increases its temperature with each one of the words contained in this our first sacred prayer to be able to obtain the great benefits of our guided meditation.
Most of my former students were able to meet wholly all of their obligations and responsibilities together with their ideals.
Please send me your feedbacks with your enrollment in the COSMOS SIETE PROGRAM
Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar
This is just only one very practical example of guided meditations, so if followed immediate positive results will be appreciated.
The author of such guided mediations used them for twenty years for Hispanic students in order to learn English effectively. He discovered that a good introduction really helps students attain excellent results. Let’s start then with a prayer repeated three times; this prayer will make us getting attuned easily and effortlessly with Supreme Divine Forces.
Please send your consciousness to the area of your solar plexus and do your best to feel every single word of this prayer just right there.
“Beloved and blessed Master of the Universe and beautiful Humanity I beg Thee in a humble manner to be a loving vibrant vessel of some of the blessings my integral being needs. Please allow your bright violet color spinning cloud to shelter me and gradually your Divine Essence penetrates in each one of the cells of my solar plexus fully awakening them, and then aid me in attuning them with Your Powerful Vibration filling it up with your Universal Eternal Life. Take my soul to its mansion and from there Glorify they Sacred Name and Kingdom. Amen!”
It is time to close our eyes and do our best “to feel” how our solar plexus increases its temperature with each one of the words contained in this our first sacred prayer to be able to obtain the great benefits of our guided meditation.
“Beloved and blessed Master of the Universe and beautiful Humanity I beg Thee in a humble manner to be a loving vibrant vessel of some of the blessings my integral being needs. Please allow your bright violet color spinning cloud to shelter me and gradually your Divine Essence penetrates in each one of the cells of my cardiac plexus fully awakening them, and then aid me in attuning them with Your Powerful Vibration filling it up with your Universal Eternal Love. Take my soul to its mansion and from there Glorify they Sacred Name and Kingdom. Amen!”
It is time to close our eyes and do our best “to feel” how our cardiac plexus increases its temperature with each one of the words contained in this our first sacred prayer to be able to obtain the great benefits of our guided meditation.
“Beloved and blessed Master of the Universe and beautiful Humanity I beg Thee in a humble manner to be a loving vibrant vessel of some of the blessings my integral being needs. Please allow your bright violet color spinning cloud to shelter me and gradually your Divine Essence penetrates in each one of the cells of my pineal organ fully awakening it and then do the same with my pituitary gland and finally with my third eye , and then aid me in attuning them with Your Powerful Vibration filling it up with your Universal Eternal Intelligence. Take my soul to its mansion and from there Glorify they Sacred Name and Kingdom. Amen!”
It is time to close our eyes and do our best “to feel” how our pineal gland increases its temperature with each one of the words contained in this our first sacred prayer to be able to obtain the great benefits of our guided meditation.
Most of my former students were able to meet wholly all of their obligations and responsibilities together with their ideals.
Please send me your feedbacks with your enrollment in the COSMOS SIETE PROGRAM
Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar
As spiritual beings having human experiences we indeed need the aid of our soul personality when facing complicated issues.
During centuries, specifically in our current times man has asked the so called experts to solve our problems. The answer has always been at our reach. What is needed is to turn on our inner switch. This switch is easily turned on by using our loving heart’s essence by reading or thinking in positive creative writings. Each of such sentences must be felt with our spirit; by closing our eyes and doing our very best to cross the bridge which communicates our physical reality with our spiritual reality.
To mystics inspirational thoughts are from a divine origin.
It is when our minds follow the directions of our loving heart when they get the useful help of our inspirational divine fountain. If we appreciate our mind to be very flexible, elastic and with the full capacity of being sent and be at the places we sent it then we experience versatility. Our minds are able to cover many different fields; fields apparently belonging to experts. Of course that the more knowledge we posses about different topics it will be much easier for our inspiration to find the reacquired building tools to create something. We have depended a lot about what famous people have said about something. In other words we love quoting. This is an excellent idea if we think that it is just half the process until we find something coming from our inspiration that substitutes this quote. We have to learn to also quote our eternal wise inner voice by giving it a spiritual name. This action will open our creative channels and our access to this divine fountain of inspiration will surely become very accessible for our hearts and minds to reach it. I am glad to say that almost all the friends made here at FB posses this feature. Every written contribution is carried out thinking in you all!. To me this is a very sacred place full of winners: People who despite their accomplishments they know that they can do a lot more foe our world. This the beauty part of this magnificent place. From the bottom of my spiritual huge heart I thank you all.
Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar
As spiritual beings having human experiences we indeed need the aid of our soul personality when facing complicated issues.
During centuries, specifically in our current times man has asked the so called experts to solve our problems. The answer has always been at our reach. What is needed is to turn on our inner switch. This switch is easily turned on by using our loving heart’s essence by reading or thinking in positive creative writings. Each of such sentences must be felt with our spirit; by closing our eyes and doing our very best to cross the bridge which communicates our physical reality with our spiritual reality.
To mystics inspirational thoughts are from a divine origin.
It is when our minds follow the directions of our loving heart when they get the useful help of our inspirational divine fountain. If we appreciate our mind to be very flexible, elastic and with the full capacity of being sent and be at the places we sent it then we experience versatility. Our minds are able to cover many different fields; fields apparently belonging to experts. Of course that the more knowledge we posses about different topics it will be much easier for our inspiration to find the reacquired building tools to create something. We have depended a lot about what famous people have said about something. In other words we love quoting. This is an excellent idea if we think that it is just half the process until we find something coming from our inspiration that substitutes this quote. We have to learn to also quote our eternal wise inner voice by giving it a spiritual name. This action will open our creative channels and our access to this divine fountain of inspiration will surely become very accessible for our hearts and minds to reach it. I am glad to say that almost all the friends made here at FB posses this feature. Every written contribution is carried out thinking in you all!. To me this is a very sacred place full of winners: People who despite their accomplishments they know that they can do a lot more foe our world. This the beauty part of this magnificent place. From the bottom of my spiritual huge heart I thank you all.
Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar
I will start this contribution with a profound conviction; People love to label other people according to their selfish interests. The mistaken sense of belonging to a group which they do believe is the chosen one has always been responsible for so many huge mistakes all along History. Man against man. The American Continent during the European conquest is a clear example of this. In spite of having human sacrifices the American Indians were indeed much more spiritually advanced than the white man. The bad news is that they did this in the sacred name of Jesus Christ. A lot of written culture was destroyed by catholic priests.
Currently most people believe that we are human beings having spiritual experiences when it is the other way around; we are spiritual beings having human experiences. The few of us who are convinced that we are spiritual beings share among us a true spirituality; a spirituality beyond belonging to any religion. It is when man understands fully this fact he will stop avoiding so many mistakes of labeling people.
It is the right time to be considered being labeled by God.
“(Your name) is another worthy representative of my Kingdom on Earth”
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be labeled by God this way?; Let’s this week to experience deeply a sense of belonging from a spiritual perspective: try out this label.
”I am a worthy representative of God’s Kingdom on Earth!”
Let’s discover the subtle changes of our behavior. Let’s discover how we now appreciate everybody. The others also are spiritual beings having human experiences.
My former students made some amazing discoveries, so I won’t tell you the changes your life will experience I will wait for your feedback.
Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar
I will start this contribution with a profound conviction; People love to label other people according to their selfish interests. The mistaken sense of belonging to a group which they do believe is the chosen one has always been responsible for so many huge mistakes all along History. Man against man. The American Continent during the European conquest is a clear example of this. In spite of having human sacrifices the American Indians were indeed much more spiritually advanced than the white man. The bad news is that they did this in the sacred name of Jesus Christ. A lot of written culture was destroyed by catholic priests.
Currently most people believe that we are human beings having spiritual experiences when it is the other way around; we are spiritual beings having human experiences. The few of us who are convinced that we are spiritual beings share among us a true spirituality; a spirituality beyond belonging to any religion. It is when man understands fully this fact he will stop avoiding so many mistakes of labeling people.
It is the right time to be considered being labeled by God.
“(Your name) is another worthy representative of my Kingdom on Earth”
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be labeled by God this way?; Let’s this week to experience deeply a sense of belonging from a spiritual perspective: try out this label.
”I am a worthy representative of God’s Kingdom on Earth!”
Let’s discover the subtle changes of our behavior. Let’s discover how we now appreciate everybody. The others also are spiritual beings having human experiences.
My former students made some amazing discoveries, so I won’t tell you the changes your life will experience I will wait for your feedback.
Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar
May / 05/’11
To be a good father or mother is indeed one of the most difficult tasks any human being has always faced throughout History.
We, parents always expect that our children live better lives than us. We sincerely desire the best for them. We accept, most times that our children are indeed above a spiritual level than us. Sometimes we parents are on a higher spiritual level than them.
From a spiritual perspective it is our children souls who choose us before they are born. We only pray to God to give them opportunities of spiritual self-development.
Just imagine the blessing for being chosen by God to raise old loving souls! Our responsibility increases, but our blessings as well!
I'm sure you know one of these wonderful children. Perhaps you were one of them. This humble contribution's objective is to do our best to help them becoming successful happy people instead of unhappy adults. You maybe are a lucky grandparent who has one of these very special children, or even he/ she is one of your children. Other times he might be a nephew or a niece, Maybe a neighbor. Whatever that the occasion is, here are some very serious considerations about it.
We can accomplish a lot if our asked intervention is when they are between three to seven years old. Much before their amazing wisdom is buried under the many layers of intellectual knowledge.
The first thing that comes to my mind is to teach them to love darkness, instead of being terrified by it. Why do I consider this so?; Because this is when their pineal gland is able to “see” strange and very harmonious visions. These visions fall from our normal receptive sight. Beautiful shapes, geometric figures, colored lights etc. They are able to fully perceive them, but in our adult's ignorance we tell them that there is nothing there. We adults are parents, grandparents, older children, relatives including teachers. They then start to lose confidence in their visions. Their logic tells them that if only they are able to see them and the rest of people can't, then they are mistaken. It is the result of their imagination. Everybody has forgotten that much before becoming once more a living soul in a new body we attended a spiritual school. There, we were well instructed about the technology of the world we would have to live in. We even met our future parents in a sacred spiritual way.
We wrongly assume that acquiring a good education in a good learning facility would be enough; and what about our job as facilitators of wisdom? Instead of giving them instructions, for example when we take them outdoors to a public park or a national park we fill their minds up by what we consider very useful information regarding what in the park is. We've forgotten that they have eternal wisdom. We forbid them to use their creative imagination and learn by discovery. It is wise to let them be. To let them experiment their contact with Mother Nature. The same principle can be applied when we take them to a museum, an art gallery, a concert or to a foreign country. I know that you also have wonderful ideas about helping our old souls high to succeed in channeling their great potential in the best harmonious ways.
As always I invite you to share with us your insights and experiences on this subject.
Ezequiel Rodriguez Saldívar
May / 05/’11
To be a good father or mother is indeed one of the most difficult tasks any human being has always faced throughout History.
We, parents always expect that our children live better lives than us. We sincerely desire the best for them. We accept, most times that our children are indeed above a spiritual level than us. Sometimes we parents are on a higher spiritual level than them.
From a spiritual perspective it is our children souls who choose us before they are born. We only pray to God to give them opportunities of spiritual self-development.
Just imagine the blessing for being chosen by God to raise old loving souls! Our responsibility increases, but our blessings as well!
I'm sure you know one of these wonderful children. Perhaps you were one of them. This humble contribution's objective is to do our best to help them becoming successful happy people instead of unhappy adults. You maybe are a lucky grandparent who has one of these very special children, or even he/ she is one of your children. Other times he might be a nephew or a niece, Maybe a neighbor. Whatever that the occasion is, here are some very serious considerations about it.
We can accomplish a lot if our asked intervention is when they are between three to seven years old. Much before their amazing wisdom is buried under the many layers of intellectual knowledge.
The first thing that comes to my mind is to teach them to love darkness, instead of being terrified by it. Why do I consider this so?; Because this is when their pineal gland is able to “see” strange and very harmonious visions. These visions fall from our normal receptive sight. Beautiful shapes, geometric figures, colored lights etc. They are able to fully perceive them, but in our adult's ignorance we tell them that there is nothing there. We adults are parents, grandparents, older children, relatives including teachers. They then start to lose confidence in their visions. Their logic tells them that if only they are able to see them and the rest of people can't, then they are mistaken. It is the result of their imagination. Everybody has forgotten that much before becoming once more a living soul in a new body we attended a spiritual school. There, we were well instructed about the technology of the world we would have to live in. We even met our future parents in a sacred spiritual way.
We wrongly assume that acquiring a good education in a good learning facility would be enough; and what about our job as facilitators of wisdom? Instead of giving them instructions, for example when we take them outdoors to a public park or a national park we fill their minds up by what we consider very useful information regarding what in the park is. We've forgotten that they have eternal wisdom. We forbid them to use their creative imagination and learn by discovery. It is wise to let them be. To let them experiment their contact with Mother Nature. The same principle can be applied when we take them to a museum, an art gallery, a concert or to a foreign country. I know that you also have wonderful ideas about helping our old souls high to succeed in channeling their great potential in the best harmonious ways.
As always I invite you to share with us your insights and experiences on this subject.
Ezequiel Rodriguez Saldívar
miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2011
Normal human beings which haven’t been attracted to spiritual themes, usually experience a strong significant life’s lesson at least once a year. On the other hand people who have been on a spiritual path for at least a dozen years are able to experience at least seven meaningful life’s lessons at least seven times each year. According to ancient mystical studies spiritual oriented people have forty nine life’s lessons in a seven year span while people who aren’t spiritual oriented only have seven of such golden opportunities of spiritual growth.
Spiritual oriented people have become eighty five percent actors and only are fifteen percent life’s spectators. In a spiritual oriented person the words: “I expect ……..”; Are very common. Non spiritual oriented people love to say: “I hope that……..”
The” I expect…” expression belongs to proactive people. The “I hope that…” expression is common among lazy people.
Spiritual oriented people really enjoy life’s blessings much more than the others, but they indeed feel much more the world’s suffering!
From now on I will call spiritual oriented people THE LUCKY ONES.
A lucky person finds his life motivating by invoking some writings which will make his life more enjoyable, so much more worth living. In no time he finds beautiful poems, some philosophical writings, some self-help books even THE BOOK where he finds some extra energy to continue being productive and his healing aura all around him helps, other human beings, animals even inanimate objects to posses some divine essence.
This lucky person really enjoys divinity in every piece of fine art. Classical music energizes his spirit and softens his heart. To soften doesn’t mean in any way to be weak! On the contrary, his heart is so attuned with God’s laws and Kingdom that he is able to appreciate any person’s suffering felt as his own. The good news is that he is able to appreciate the spiritual being in a physical body without minding the person’s skin color, religion, beliefs, or economic status of this his spiritual brother or sister. A lucky person has indeed God’s Loving Eyes!
Just imagine our world population possessing this sacred gift. Our world would indeed change for the good!
The best analogy I can find is when we have just fallen in love. Before this experience we used to live in a dull world, but by the miracle of being in love, how wonderful now the world is! ; Amazingly beautiful sunrises and sunsets. How beautiful nature’s colors are! The love songs how romantic they are! Later in life when we have children once more life is so beautiful! Then when we become grandparents this miracle is repeated and last but not least when we fall in deep love with humankind, the miracle once more is repeated, but now with much more intensity, because indeed GOD IS LOVE!
I expect your life will be full of colorful Divine Love.
Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar
viernes, 29 de abril de 2011
It is when we have decided to possess a wonderful and different life’s perspective by integrating in it our spiritual reality when there is no room for living dull boring lives. I’ve been lucky to have had diligent and loyal students in the past who have helped me develop effective self-improving techniques by learning them in always interesting mental/ spiritual games. Let me give you a very basic and simple example. We learnt to give speech to colors in our daily lives. Instead of assigning red color loud speech, we did the opposite; we assigned this color the softness of a whispering. As you might have guessed gray color had the loudness speech.
COSMOS SIETE PROGRAM has lots of similar always interesting exercises.
We begin with our wonderful physical world gaining some hours spent in developing acute observations, then we use the same perceptions and play with them using our creativity by accumulating some useful hours spent in intentional thinking, last but not least we dedicate some hours in guided mediations techniques to attract wonderful attributes from the spiritual realm. Our development is indeed balanced!
Please allow me to give you some more ideas on this:
The correct way to talk to our subconscious mind is the following:
“Dear and very useful subconscious mind today I’ll permit you to get the help from both, your objective mind, which is the receptacle of your daily perceptions, and also from your subjective mind which is the correct channel for all your mental processes; memory, imagination, reasoning powers, and our always reliable intuition. Will you please harmonize both minds?”
The next day talk to your objective mind asking it in a very polite manner the following:
“Dear and very appreciated objective mind the next fifteen minutes will be spent looking at everything black. Color black will be detected in everything, please!”
What I suggest doing is to keep a diary of your discoveries. People who have studied COSMOS SIETE have told me that they indeed were able to discover many apparently hidden things by using this very practical method. They also informed me that now their observation powers were tremendously improved. This was done step, by step. Usually it is the sum of small efforts much greater than acting upon a big effort.
At first, you’ll need three days to master this technique. As time goes by, only one day will be needed. Remember you are developing new useful skills. You must give your brain a chance to learn how to compute its perceptions. After spending a whole month playing with colors, and color combinations you’ll be ready to appreciate many different shapes and forms; Then, you’ll be able to develop an acute and precise sight to detect the materials which things are made, next all kinds of movement etc, etc.
The cooperation in getting complete information from COSMOS SIETE is a very small quantity, just twenty dollars per month during a complete year. Honestly it is worth at least ten times more. Be one of the lucky people around our world to get full benefits and advantages from this unique and wonderful project. If you have read some of my articles your intuition will help you guide you on the right track.
Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar
From a spiritual perspective each one of our years should be lived with passion being born from our meaningful living. What can we do to guarantee this blessed meaningful living?
Self-discipline is the cornerstone on which our launching pad should be built. It is our mind the first element to be broken. Without it man’s goals are always titanic. Our mind is a two edged blade which must always be handled with extreme care.
This idea made us create the COSMOS SIETE program.
Its first lessons have a lot to do with color appreciation. How by disciplining our minds by instructing our brains to become aware of only one chosen color, what a big difference it made! Apparently this is indeed an easy task, but long experience had with dozen of students shows facts which prove otherwise. Our mind’s main organ; our brain loves to run free scanning bright colors because its long time laziness has avoided it to obey our commands for over three minutes. The good news is that once we are fully convinced how many beautiful and pleasant times we have lost from this glorious moment on we become masters of our mental processes and not the other way around!
A month later we are ready for shape appreciation. Next month for material appreciation and filing .On our fourth month we can handle these four kinds of vital information and we can create very reliable mental frameworks to work with for the rest of our lives. There are no short cuts to success! There are no instant formulas either.
I’ve been using different approaches on the benefits of a worldwide program where you can learn effectively how to learn how to learn. Our modern technology demands us to always be ready for its latest developments.
Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar
Man has always needed a reliable tool which would help him in his survival. Ancient History is filled up with legends and stories regarding one eyed giants. Having used some formulas to reach the Akashic Records I’ve come to the conclusion that more than terrorized normal human beings these creatures indeed helped man in several ways. It has always been that man’s ignorance with he doesn’t understand is to blame of so many misunderstandings regarding how God’s Laws work.
In every human being the physical remnants of this third eye has recently been found by modern scientists. They do not know what mystics have always known; it is the psychic third eye which must be effectively stimulated in order to start working as it should. From a physical viewpoint our third eye is indeed very tiny, almost unnoticeable. It is like a pin’s point. On the other hand our psychic third eye is the size of an almond placed in a horizontal position. Our tiny physical third eye cannot be projected on our foreheads, but our psychic third eye indeed can.
There are some exercises that help us, first to awaken this psychic third eye and then step by step to project this eye from our inside our skull to be placed on the exterior of our forehead; First a ten percent, next a twenty five percent, then a fifty percent, after this a seventy five percent and finally a hundred percent. This is done at a spiritual level following certain moon phases.
The time to give you the first formula has come, so in order to make this procedure much personal I will refer to it in first person singular:
Let's sit down listening to our favorite instrumental music and sensing the fragrance of burning incense in a semi-dark room. As I take my first deep breath I place the right hand's index fingertip on my forehead. Now I place my left hand flat on my chest. I hold my breath as long as I can then very slowly I release it through my mouth. Keeping the same posture now I take a second deep breath and repeat the procedure. As I take my third deep breath I imagine how the radiant energy flowing from my chest area round along my left arm keeps its flowing into my nape, there it spins for a few seconds then it keeps flowing now throughout my right arm until it reaches my index fingertip. Then I release the air the same way done before, through my mouth. Now I feel very much alive and vibrant my psychic almond shaped horizontal third eye. In my mind's eye I'm able to see how it absorbs this healing energy going deep into each one of its cells. Cells made of flesh and tiny pieces of crystals made of a beautiful red ruby stone. These pieces of glowing crystals project an intense bright red color light that illuminate my whole brain. Each of my neurons absorbs some of this great energy from a divine origin. Now I concentrate on my pituitary gland with its two lobes; the anterior and the posterior. Mentally I make this energy spin for a few seconds and then I sent it directly into the interior of my master gland, the pineal body. There once more I make this cosmic energy spin, spin, and spin then suddenly I sent it directly into the posterior part of my third eye like there was a direct tunnel going all the way down, from my pineal body into my tertium organum. Then I vividly imagine THE SPHINX.
It is to the right time to pronounce seven times these sacred words “TERTIUMMM ORGANUMMM”, “TERTIUM ORGANUM”, “TERTIUM ORGANUM” until we've finished pronouncing them seven times. Please pronounce this as follows: (ttteeeeerrrtttiiiiiuuuuummmmmmm+ooooorrrgggaaaaaannnuuuuuummmmmmmm)
Let's now imagine that our third eye is capable of breathing. We imagine many opened pores located on its anterior part of this horizontal pulsating and expanding almond. A deep inhalation is carried out not only the vital oxygen is being harmoniously absorbed, but all the magnificent vital cosmic energy as well.
Due to these deep breathings a rare perfume coming from flowers that were found on the Nile's river banks in Ancient Egypt. From the front part of our third eye virtual nerve ramifications in pairs will emerge; two of these nerve ramifications will be projected into both of my physical eyes. Another two will descend into my olfactory nerve, two more will travel down into my inner ears, and two virtual nerves more will run into my thyroid gland and from here to my thymus gland. And now the amazing nerve ramification will travel all the way down into my left hand specifically into each of my five fingertips, now the other virtual, but very real nerve will descend all the way down until it reaches the five finger tips of my right hand. Our immediate next step would be to imagine that on each finger tip surface opened pores breath in the Vital Life Force flowing from the cosmos.
Now let's send our concentrating to our sacred almond. What we realize is that it is permanently lit, but seven veils hid this divine light , so we slowly remove them one by one; the red veil is removed first, then the orange one, next the yellow one, then the green veil, next a blue veil and the last veil is the violet color veil . Now nothing is interfering the rhythmical breathing of my psychic third eye; my sacred, expanding, emanating and vibrant almond. By taking three deep breaths we will be able to give more power to our third eye. It will shine now with more intensity. A very harmonious bright violet color will expand beyond our brains illuminating the room we are in. A pulsating cool cloud will be expanded in a spiral like way in our room; also a pleasant humming vibration will be felt by us. It is celestial music also known as the music of the spheres. Mentioning sound, let's finish this exercise by allowing that our background music reinforces this inner feeling to penetrate into each one of our cells; physic and psychic, so they can attune once more with the beneficial cosmic rhythm. With our great vibration!
I expect that you will do your best to do this exercise. Please close this sacred moment by repeating the following with your spiritual loving heart:
“Divine essence from the spiritual kingdom where our Lord resides, we beg that your highly purifying energy continues bathing my integral self, so I will be cleansed from every wrong thought, word and action to be able to experiment a sacred attunement with your divine essence the next twenty four hours. Amen!”
Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar
Man usually complains about not possessing enough creative tools to live a comfortable life; A productive life in which he can face his responsibilities with courage and at the same carry out his ideals. He has trained his reliable memory, he also has developed high reasoning powers, he even has used the voice of his intuition, but apparently these gifts seem not to be enough.
During his childhood he did use very often this spiritual mental gift; his creative imagination, but the adult world convinced him that it was just mere fantasy!. How wrong the adult world was! Then as he enrolled in a company to work for Human Resources department demanded him to bring out creative solutions in a variety of ways. It was tough for him because he rarely had used this gift to solve problems and become a permanent innovative person. He is forced to again hold the golden thread which was left behind during his childhood. One of the main objectives of the Cosmos Siete program is to help you find this amazingly useful tool once more. This wonderful mental process, according to experts’ advice, would be something very desirable to be highly improved. The main reason for doing so, these people proclaim is that both, our imagination and creativity are indeed a dynamic duo who always help each other. Using simpler words our imagination is the sacred and powerful silver cord which has always helped us to live fully dual lives; physical and spiritual lives in perfect harmony!
Creative people have always found a special niche in our world. Creative human beings have usually depended on this amazing human capacity. In our long past people were much more oriented to high emotional states, because they faced death quite often. Their survival instincts were very acute. In most esoteric mystery schools it was taken for granted this next fact: Our imagination possesses a very unique quality. God gave man this fantastic tool called imagination the capacity to move freely forwards and backwards. It was like our imagination hanged from an invisible, but at the same time powerful elastic thread. Like a pendulum it can travel backwards to our distant past, as well as, our immediate future.
During our long History there have been some special men and women whose creative imagination has brought us a lot of benefits, for example the long time women used to spend in a kitchen preparing food has dramatically been reduced. Yes, our common daily activities have been highly simplified, so we can spend more time trying to know ourselves a little better. Besides, it was thanks to Jesus Christ that the amount of lessons learnt has been also reduced. Nowadays everything has suddenly become easier tasks to be carried out by us. We live in an age full of wonderful growing golden opportunities.
It is time to ask ourselves these next questions:
Have I done enough to give my imagination the freedom it needs?
Have I enjoyed my moments spent in deep intentional thinking or have I felt uneasy about it?
Have I found in my meditations the required inspiration to continue in the search for my self-improvement?
Have I developed communication techniques to improve my daily communication with everybody?
Does my face express in a sincere smile my inner happiness?
It is the right time to mention communication among us human beings. Isn't it an undeniable fact that now machines surpass us regarding how well they communicate among them. On the other hand we, human beings usually have a hard time when we wish to communicate with our fellow men. Here it is time to ask ourselves another important question:
How many daily minutes do I spend immersed in intentional thinking not only to find solutions to our daily problems, but dedicated to the improvement of human relations? I firmly believe that the Cosmos Siete Program would be carried out more easily if we acquire this daily habit.
Ezequiel Roríguez Saldívar
Today, my goal is to travel in time and make you see the world as we saw it during our first seven years of living. By doing this we will be able to obtain a new inspiring point of view long ago forgotten buried under many layers of years.
We will surely gain a lot understanding how children see our adult world. With the present digital cameras is quite easy to see what they see; how they are able to appreciate our good moods, as well as our ugly side when we get angry or impatient with them; Giants in their wonderful world when they see us happy, and in monsters who frighten them in their terrible world every time they see our negative side. Their fresh brains are accurate enough to file our faces, tone of voice and body language. So ask your spouse to take you several pictures calculating the level of the height at which their eyes are, also record our commanding tone of voice voices instructing them to behave.
I've also found very useful to participate in games in which nobody has a noticeable advantage; for instance spending just a quarter of an hour observing a chosen color. It would be highly recommended not to sound like their parents or teachers; on the contrary, a joyful game full of unsuspected surprise for everybody. In this way they will feel motivated being aware that we don't know everything that their findings are as important as ours. This can be done at home and when the good weather permits outdoors. We will discover how we have underestimated our children's precise perceptions and great imagination. It is a win win family game. Not only have they learned, but us as well. Let's remember that we, their parents were chosen by them and not the other way round. Who has to behave are us parents. If we do this at least from their age’s four to seven we will reinforce their self-esteem a lot. And we will be ready for their teen years by playing our role of parents and more importantly as their true friends; loving parents who always be there for them!
A kind suggestion: use the backwards method; start with the age you are and then by closing your eyes and sharpening all the others senses go back in time; very slowly , year by year. We’ve discovered that age three is an excellent starting year to experience recollections from this year during different seasons, the year four, year five, year six and last year seven. As you might have guessed the height of your eyes is a little higher with each passing year.
Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar
miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011
La larga experiencia obtenida directamente e indirectamente en esta nuestra escuela de aprendizaje por su servidor, compañeros de estudios y alumnos contribuyeron a poder delinear, crear y poner en práctica las muchas horas de gozo productivas en tres niveles; aprender a observar; aprender a aprender y aprender a crear nuevos campos de pensamiento y acción siempre interesantes y motivadores.
Es cuando decidimos poseer un enfoque distinto, confiable e interesante de apreciar la vida con una perspectiva integral total cuando EUREKA! Nuestra siempre presente realidad espiritual al fin se integra armoniosamente con nuestro bagaje intelectual y logramos vivir una vida siempre llena de percepciones llenas de vida, amor y paz. A todos niveles siempre estamos atareados y lo que es más motivarte es que disfrutamos encarar con un corazón valeroso cualesquier reto, obstáculo o prueba creado por otros o por nosotros mismos. No hay tiempo para aburrirnos. No, señor!
Nos convertirnos en dinámicos guerreros imbuidos de la más alta y especial esencia divina.
He sido muy afortunado de haber contado con alumnos diligentes y leales, los cuales en el pasado mee ayudaron a desarrollar efectivas técnicas de desarrollo personal permanente. Por favor permíteme darte un par de ejemplos de lo anterior:
Aprendimos, sí así fue, aprendí junto con ellos a proporcionarle voz audible a los colores; pero en lugar de asignarle un vozarrón grave al color rojo le asignamos la misión de ser un suave susurro. Al color gris le dimos la misión de hacerse escuchar siempre fuerte y claro. El otro ejemplo fue el den utilizar el color asignado al día de la semana a un continente y así durante el día y la noche poder establecer un lazo de afinidad con dicho continente, sus países, innumerables ciudades, poblaciones y muy especialmente con sus paisajes llenos de lugares sagrados a través de los tiempos.
Estoy invitándote a participar con una módica mensualidad voluntaria a que formes parte de la versión ampliada y mejorada del programa COSMOS SIETE. Dicho programa está lleno ejercicios y formulas interesantes, además de contar con herramientas de auto evaluaciones.
Iniciamos a aprender a observar profundamente percepciones de los cinco sentidos objetivos. Adquirimos las horas de vuelo necesarias para contar con confiables marcos de referencia con una involucración emocional. El siguiente peldaño en nuestro ascenso es adquirir un número similar de horas de vuelo en utilizar nuestro pensamiento intencional con todo lo anteriormente observado. Terminamos la tercera punta de nuestro triángulo de aprendizaje significativo mediante un buen número de meditaciones guiadas. Nuestro desarrollo contiene un confiable equilibrio!
En síntesis:
Aprendemos a dirigirnos a nuestra siempre confiable mente subconsciente con a sugerencias armoniosas, por lo tanto mientras dormimos esta mente maravillosa facilita enormemente nuestro aprendizaje.
Actualmente estamos ofreciendo el primer mes (cuatro lecciones) completamente gratis. El único requisito es que envíes tus experiencias y comentarios para así contar con una útil retroalimentación. Gracias!
Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar
It is when we have decided to possess a wonderful and different life’s perspective by integrating in it our spiritual reality when there is no room for living dull boring lives. I’ve been lucky to have had diligent and loyal students in the past who have helped me develop effective self-improving techniques by learning them in always interesting mental/ spiritual games. Let me give you a very basic and simple example. We learnt to give speech to colors in our daily lives. Instead of assigning red color loud speech, we did the opposite; we assigned this color the softness of a whispering. As you might have guessed gray color had the loudness speech.
COSMOS SIETE PROGRAM has lots of similar always interesting exercises.
We begin with our wonderful physical world gaining some hours spent in developing acute observations, then we use the same perceptions and play with them using our creativity by accumulating some useful hours spent in intentional thinking, last but not least we dedicate some hours in guided mediations techniques to attract wonderful attributes from the spiritual realm. Our development is indeed balanced!
Please allow me to give you some more ideas on this:
The correct way to talk to our subconscious mind is the following:
“Dear and very useful subconscious mind today I’ll permit you to get the help from both, your objective mind, which is the receptacle of your daily perceptions, and also from your subjective mind which is the correct channel for all your mental processes; memory, imagination, reasoning powers, and our always reliable intuition. Will you please harmonize both minds?”
The next day talk to your objective mind asking it in a very polite manner the following:
“Dear and very appreciated objective mind the next fifteen minutes will be spent looking at everything black. Color black will be detected in everything, please!”
What I suggest doing is to keep a diary of your discoveries. People who have studied COSMOS SIETE have told me that they indeed were able to discover many apparently hidden things by using this very practical method. They also informed me that now their observation powers were tremendously improved. This was done step, by step. Usually it is the sum of small efforts much greater than acting upon a big effort.
At first, you’ll need three days to master this technique. As time goes by, only one day will be needed. Remember you are developing new useful skills. You must give your brain a chance to learn how to compute its perceptions. After spending a whole month playing with colors, and color combinations you’ll be ready to appreciate many different shapes and forms; Then, you’ll be able to develop an acute and precise sight to detect the materials which things are made, next all kinds of movement etc, etc.
The cooperation in getting complete information from COSMOS SIETE is a very small quantity, just twenty dollars per month during a complete year. Honestly it is worth at least ten times more. Be one of the lucky people around our world to get full benefits and advantages from this unique and wonderful project. If you have read some of my articles your intuition will help you guide you on the right track.
Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar
It is when we have decided to possess a wonderful and different life’s perspective by integrating in it our spiritual reality when there is no room for living dull boring lives. I’ve been lucky to have had diligent and loyal students in the past who have helped me develop effective self-improving techniques by learning them in always interesting mental/ spiritual games. Let me give you a very basic and simple example. We learnt to give speech to colors in our daily lives. Instead of assigning red color loud speech, we did the opposite; we assigned this color the softness of a whispering. As you might have guessed gray color had the loudness speech.
COSMOS SIETE PROGRAM has lots of similar always interesting exercises.
We begin with our wonderful physical world gaining some hours spent in developing acute observations, then we use the same perceptions and play with them using our creativity by accumulating some useful hours spent in intentional thinking, last but not least we dedicate some hours in guided mediations techniques to attract wonderful attributes from the spiritual realm. Our development is indeed balanced!
Please allow me to give you some more ideas on this:
The correct way to talk to our subconscious mind is the following:
“Dear and very useful subconscious mind today I’ll permit you to get the help from both, your objective mind, which is the receptacle of your daily perceptions, and also from your subjective mind which is the correct channel for all your mental processes; memory, imagination, reasoning powers, and our always reliable intuition. Will you please harmonize both minds?”
The next day talk to your objective mind asking it in a very polite manner the following:
“Dear and very appreciated objective mind the next fifteen minutes will be spent looking at everything black. Color black will be detected in everything, please!”
What I suggest doing is to keep a diary of your discoveries. People who have studied COSMOS SIETE have told me that they indeed were able to discover many apparently hidden things by using this very practical method. They also informed me that now their observation powers were tremendously improved. This was done step, by step. Usually it is the sum of small efforts much greater than acting upon a big effort.
At first, you’ll need three days to master this technique. As time goes by, only one day will be needed. Remember you are developing new useful skills. You must give your brain a chance to learn how to compute its perceptions. After spending a whole month playing with colors, and color combinations you’ll be ready to appreciate many different shapes and forms; Then, you’ll be able to develop an acute and precise sight to detect the materials which things are made, next all kinds of movement etc, etc.
The cooperation in getting complete information from COSMOS SIETE is a very small quantity, just twenty dollars per month during a complete year. Honestly it is worth at least ten times more. Be one of the lucky people around our world to get full benefits and advantages from this unique and wonderful project. If you have read some of my articles your intuition will help you guide you on the right track.
Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar
Definitivamente el más grande poder que un ser humano puede poseer es sin lugar a dudas el amoroso corazón spiritual. Ninguna persona con un poder superior mental puede afectar negativamente a dicho corazón. La Jerarquía Divina, sin embargo sí puede afectarlo con poderosas esencias pertenecientes al Reino Espiritual!
Es cuando adquirimos un íntimo conocimiento personal con alguna persona, algún evento, algún lugar o alguna verdad cuando el concepto “gnosis” se puede aplicar. Ahora bien, entonces nuestra meta será el poder obtener la gnosis de Amor Divino. Ahora podemos visualizar tomados de la mano en la sagrada senda mística a nuestro corazón espiritual con el Amor Universal. Imaginemos por unos momentos esta cósmica bendición. Las cosas maravillosamente constructivas que podemos llevar a cabo! Nuestro mundo moderno con todas sus distracciones ha evitado las hermosas contribuciones que este corazón espiritual puede cristalizar.
Es tiempo de experimentar con muestro corazón espiritual algo sacado de la Biblia.
Al tomar una respiración profunda repitamos mentalmente lo siguiente:
“Que bueno sería para hombres y mujeres el poder vivir juntos en armonía”
Al exhalar díremos:
“Vivir juntos como hermanos y hermanas en unidad”
Al hacer esto por un mínimo de tres veces experimentaremos la gnosis del Amor Universal.
La Biblia también expresa lo siguiente:
“Si tu afirmas que amas a Dios, pero odias a tu vecino, entonces amigo mío eres un mentiroso!”
Encontremos una aplicación práctica de este hecho. Cada mañana al agradecer a Dios por un día más de oportunidades de ser un digno representante de todas sus Leyes nos diremos a nosotros mismos lo siguiente:
“Dios de mi amoroso corazón espiritual ayúdame todo este día que empieza incluyendo esta noche a poder irradiar las propiedades de mi corazón espiritual a los míos, a mis compañeros de trabajo, amigos y cada ser humano que encontré mediante mi sonrisa espiritual. Amén!”
Definitivamente el más grande poder que un ser humano puede poseer es sin lugar a dudas el amoroso corazón spiritual. Ninguna persona con un poder superior mental puede afectar negativamente a dicho corazón. La Jerarquía Divina, sin embargo sí puede afectarlo con poderosas esencias pertenecientes al Reino Espiritual!
Es cuando adquirimos un íntimo conocimiento personal con alguna persona, algún evento, algún lugar o alguna verdad cuando el concepto “gnosis” se puede aplicar. Ahora bien, entonces nuestra meta será el poder obtener la gnosis de Amor Divino. Ahora podemos visualizar tomados de la mano en la sagrada senda mística a nuestro corazón espiritual con el Amor Universal. Imaginemos por unos momentos esta cósmica bendición. Las cosas maravillosamente constructivas que podemos llevar a cabo! Nuestro mundo moderno con todas sus distracciones ha evitado las hermosas contribuciones que este corazón espiritual puede cristalizar.
Es tiempo de experimentar con muestro corazón espiritual algo sacado de la Biblia.
Al tomar una respiración profunda repitamos mentalmente lo siguiente:
“Que bueno sería para hombres y mujeres el poder vivir juntos en armonía”
Al exhalar díremos:
“Vivir juntos como hermanos y hermanas en unidad”
Al hacer esto por un mínimo de tres veces experimentaremos la gnosis del Amor Universal.
La Biblia también expresa lo siguiente:
“Si tu afirmas que amas a Dios, pero odias a tu vecino, entonces amigo mío eres un mentiroso!”
Encontremos una aplicación práctica de este hecho. Cada mañana al agradecer a Dios por un día más de oportunidades de ser un digno representante de todas sus Leyes nos diremos a nosotros mismos lo siguiente:
“Dios de mi amoroso corazón espiritual ayúdame todo este día que empieza incluyendo esta noche a poder irradiar las propiedades de mi corazón espiritual a los míos, a mis compañeros de trabajo, amigos y cada ser humano que encontré mediante mi sonrisa espiritual. Amén!”
Throughout millennia man has sought power, first to master his dangerous environment and then to be able to improve his living conditions, thus becoming less slave of hard work and have more time to be used to know himself. In our modern world man’s blindness instead of developing his spiritual side to side with his physical feats man is now committing mass suicide. A very simple daily action would help man to solve this issue; to relay on the eternal wisdom of his loving spiritual heart.
Man’s spiritual heart has the total memory of all his past lives! Man needs to start diminishing his huge mistakes done to Mother Nature and humankind and really begin improving the chances of finding a much better world to keep on improving his spiritual attributes and divine properties in his next productive life.
In case we dare to compare the total power of love with the total power of mental power, we will get convinced right away that The Law of Divine Love surpassed greatly the law of Mental Power.
In my search for the gnosis of the heart, I was able to discover after many years that Gnosis means a profound personal knowledge with a person, place, event or truth. As you have guessed, it was during my mediations and prayers when and where my loving spiritual heart had its say. Step by step using divinely channels of harmonious attunement when the consciousness of the cosmic also known as Cosmic Consciousness succeeded as we met right in the middle of my mind ascending and the Cosmic Consciousness descending.
And if we after being immerse in this conviction our next logic step would be to accompany this gnosis with Divine Love; Our Divine Love hand in hand with our gnosis of the heart. This divine love already resides within our spiritual hearts, but due to our ignorance we haven't allowed it to be fully and beautifully manifested in our daily lives.
The next experiment is from the Bible. If we take three deep breaths and as we take our first inhalation we mentally repeat this.
”How good it is for men and women to live together in harmony”
And then as we exhale we complete the sentence.
”To live together as brothers and sisters in unity”
We will surely feel what is called the gnosis of our loving hearts.
Our Bible also expresses the following though:
“If you say that you love God, but hate your neighbor, then my friend you are a liar. You don't really love God.”
So what would our golden key be? It would be the gnosis of the word “service” To serve our fellow men without expecting recognition or gratitude. Usually these two aspects are missing from our fellow men, but not from The Highness.
This is indeed a short article, but is full of cosmic essence and knowledge.
God bless you all my dearest brothers and sisters.
Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar
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