viernes, 29 de abril de 2011



It is when we have decided to possess a wonderful and different life’s perspective by integrating in it our spiritual reality when there is no room for living dull boring lives. I’ve been lucky to have had diligent and loyal students in the past who have helped me develop effective self-improving techniques by learning them in always interesting mental/ spiritual games. Let me give you a very basic and simple example. We learnt to give speech to colors in our daily lives. Instead of assigning red color loud speech, we did the opposite; we assigned this color the softness of a whispering. As you might have guessed gray color had the loudness speech.
COSMOS SIETE PROGRAM has lots of similar always interesting exercises.
We begin with our wonderful physical world gaining some hours spent in developing acute observations, then we use the same perceptions and play with them using our creativity by accumulating some useful hours spent in intentional thinking, last but not least we dedicate some hours in guided mediations techniques to attract wonderful attributes from the spiritual realm. Our development is indeed balanced!
Please allow me to give you some more ideas on this:

The correct way to talk to our subconscious mind is the following:
“Dear and very useful subconscious mind today I’ll permit you to get the help from both, your objective mind, which is the receptacle of your daily perceptions, and also from your subjective mind which is the correct channel for all your mental processes; memory, imagination, reasoning powers, and our always reliable intuition. Will you please harmonize both minds?”

The next day talk to your objective mind asking it in a very polite manner the following:
“Dear and very appreciated objective mind the next fifteen minutes will be spent looking at everything black. Color black will be detected in everything, please!”
What I suggest doing is to keep a diary of your discoveries. People who have studied COSMOS SIETE have told me that they indeed were able to discover many apparently hidden things by using this very practical method. They also informed me that now their observation powers were tremendously improved. This was done step, by step. Usually it is the sum of small efforts much greater than acting upon a big effort.

At first, you’ll need three days to master this technique. As time goes by, only one day will be needed. Remember you are developing new useful skills. You must give your brain a chance to learn how to compute its perceptions. After spending a whole month playing with colors, and color combinations you’ll be ready to appreciate many different shapes and forms; Then, you’ll be able to develop an acute and precise sight to detect the materials which things are made, next all kinds of movement etc, etc.

The cooperation in getting complete information from COSMOS SIETE is a very small quantity, just twenty dollars per month during a complete year. Honestly it is worth at least ten times more. Be one of the lucky people around our world to get full benefits and advantages from this unique and wonderful project. If you have read some of my articles your intuition will help you guide you on the right track.

Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar


From a spiritual perspective each one of our years should be lived with passion being born from our meaningful living. What can we do to guarantee this blessed meaningful living?
Self-discipline is the cornerstone on which our launching pad should be built. It is our mind the first element to be broken. Without it man’s goals are always titanic. Our mind is a two edged blade which must always be handled with extreme care.

This idea made us create the COSMOS SIETE program.
Its first lessons have a lot to do with color appreciation. How by disciplining our minds by instructing our brains to become aware of only one chosen color, what a big difference it made! Apparently this is indeed an easy task, but long experience had with dozen of students shows facts which prove otherwise. Our mind’s main organ; our brain loves to run free scanning bright colors because its long time laziness has avoided it to obey our commands for over three minutes. The good news is that once we are fully convinced how many beautiful and pleasant times we have lost from this glorious moment on we become masters of our mental processes and not the other way around!
A month later we are ready for shape appreciation. Next month for material appreciation and filing .On our fourth month we can handle these four kinds of vital information and we can create very reliable mental frameworks to work with for the rest of our lives. There are no short cuts to success! There are no instant formulas either.
I’ve been using different approaches on the benefits of a worldwide program where you can learn effectively how to learn how to learn. Our modern technology demands us to always be ready for its latest developments.

Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar



Man has always needed a reliable tool which would help him in his survival. Ancient History is filled up with legends and stories regarding one eyed giants. Having used some formulas to reach the Akashic Records I’ve come to the conclusion that more than terrorized normal human beings these creatures indeed helped man in several ways. It has always been that man’s ignorance with he doesn’t understand is to blame of so many misunderstandings regarding how God’s Laws work.

In every human being the physical remnants of this third eye has recently been found by modern scientists. They do not know what mystics have always known; it is the psychic third eye which must be effectively stimulated in order to start working as it should. From a physical viewpoint our third eye is indeed very tiny, almost unnoticeable. It is like a pin’s point. On the other hand our psychic third eye is the size of an almond placed in a horizontal position. Our tiny physical third eye cannot be projected on our foreheads, but our psychic third eye indeed can.
There are some exercises that help us, first to awaken this psychic third eye and then step by step to project this eye from our inside our skull to be placed on the exterior of our forehead; First a ten percent, next a twenty five percent, then a fifty percent, after this a seventy five percent and finally a hundred percent. This is done at a spiritual level following certain moon phases.
The time to give you the first formula has come, so in order to make this procedure much personal I will refer to it in first person singular:

Let's sit down listening to our favorite instrumental music and sensing the fragrance of burning incense in a semi-dark room. As I take my first deep breath I place the right hand's index fingertip on my forehead. Now I place my left hand flat on my chest. I hold my breath as long as I can then very slowly I release it through my mouth. Keeping the same posture now I take a second deep breath and repeat the procedure. As I take my third deep breath I imagine how the radiant energy flowing from my chest area round along my left arm keeps its flowing into my nape, there it spins for a few seconds then it keeps flowing now throughout my right arm until it reaches my index fingertip. Then I release the air the same way done before, through my mouth. Now I feel very much alive and vibrant my psychic almond shaped horizontal third eye. In my mind's eye I'm able to see how it absorbs this healing energy going deep into each one of its cells. Cells made of flesh and tiny pieces of crystals made of a beautiful red ruby stone. These pieces of glowing crystals project an intense bright red color light that illuminate my whole brain. Each of my neurons absorbs some of this great energy from a divine origin. Now I concentrate on my pituitary gland with its two lobes; the anterior and the posterior. Mentally I make this energy spin for a few seconds and then I sent it directly into the interior of my master gland, the pineal body. There once more I make this cosmic energy spin, spin, and spin then suddenly I sent it directly into the posterior part of my third eye like there was a direct tunnel going all the way down, from my pineal body into my tertium organum. Then I vividly imagine THE SPHINX.
It is to the right time to pronounce seven times these sacred words “TERTIUMMM ORGANUMMM”, “TERTIUM ORGANUM”, “TERTIUM ORGANUM” until we've finished pronouncing them seven times. Please pronounce this as follows: (ttteeeeerrrtttiiiiiuuuuummmmmmm+ooooorrrgggaaaaaannnuuuuuummmmmmmm)

Let's now imagine that our third eye is capable of breathing. We imagine many opened pores located on its anterior part of this horizontal pulsating and expanding almond. A deep inhalation is carried out not only the vital oxygen is being harmoniously absorbed, but all the magnificent vital cosmic energy as well.
Due to these deep breathings a rare perfume coming from flowers that were found on the Nile's river banks in Ancient Egypt. From the front part of our third eye virtual nerve ramifications in pairs will emerge; two of these nerve ramifications will be projected into both of my physical eyes. Another two will descend into my olfactory nerve, two more will travel down into my inner ears, and two virtual nerves more will run into my thyroid gland and from here to my thymus gland. And now the amazing nerve ramification will travel all the way down into my left hand specifically into each of my five fingertips, now the other virtual, but very real nerve will descend all the way down until it reaches the five finger tips of my right hand. Our immediate next step would be to imagine that on each finger tip surface opened pores breath in the Vital Life Force flowing from the cosmos.

Now let's send our concentrating to our sacred almond. What we realize is that it is permanently lit, but seven veils hid this divine light , so we slowly remove them one by one; the red veil is removed first, then the orange one, next the yellow one, then the green veil, next a blue veil and the last veil is the violet color veil . Now nothing is interfering the rhythmical breathing of my psychic third eye; my sacred, expanding, emanating and vibrant almond. By taking three deep breaths we will be able to give more power to our third eye. It will shine now with more intensity. A very harmonious bright violet color will expand beyond our brains illuminating the room we are in. A pulsating cool cloud will be expanded in a spiral like way in our room; also a pleasant humming vibration will be felt by us. It is celestial music also known as the music of the spheres. Mentioning sound, let's finish this exercise by allowing that our background music reinforces this inner feeling to penetrate into each one of our cells; physic and psychic, so they can attune once more with the beneficial cosmic rhythm. With our great vibration!

I expect that you will do your best to do this exercise. Please close this sacred moment by repeating the following with your spiritual loving heart:

“Divine essence from the spiritual kingdom where our Lord resides, we beg that your highly purifying energy continues bathing my integral self, so I will be cleansed from every wrong thought, word and action to be able to experiment a sacred attunement with your divine essence the next twenty four hours. Amen!”

Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar



Man usually complains about not possessing enough creative tools to live a comfortable life; A productive life in which he can face his responsibilities with courage and at the same carry out his ideals. He has trained his reliable memory, he also has developed high reasoning powers, he even has used the voice of his intuition, but apparently these gifts seem not to be enough.

During his childhood he did use very often this spiritual mental gift; his creative imagination, but the adult world convinced him that it was just mere fantasy!. How wrong the adult world was! Then as he enrolled in a company to work for Human Resources department demanded him to bring out creative solutions in a variety of ways. It was tough for him because he rarely had used this gift to solve problems and become a permanent innovative person. He is forced to again hold the golden thread which was left behind during his childhood. One of the main objectives of the Cosmos Siete program is to help you find this amazingly useful tool once more. This wonderful mental process, according to experts’ advice, would be something very desirable to be highly improved. The main reason for doing so, these people proclaim is that both, our imagination and creativity are indeed a dynamic duo who always help each other. Using simpler words our imagination is the sacred and powerful silver cord which has always helped us to live fully dual lives; physical and spiritual lives in perfect harmony!

Creative people have always found a special niche in our world. Creative human beings have usually depended on this amazing human capacity. In our long past people were much more oriented to high emotional states, because they faced death quite often. Their survival instincts were very acute. In most esoteric mystery schools it was taken for granted this next fact: Our imagination possesses a very unique quality. God gave man this fantastic tool called imagination the capacity to move freely forwards and backwards. It was like our imagination hanged from an invisible, but at the same time powerful elastic thread. Like a pendulum it can travel backwards to our distant past, as well as, our immediate future.

During our long History there have been some special men and women whose creative imagination has brought us a lot of benefits, for example the long time women used to spend in a kitchen preparing food has dramatically been reduced. Yes, our common daily activities have been highly simplified, so we can spend more time trying to know ourselves a little better. Besides, it was thanks to Jesus Christ that the amount of lessons learnt has been also reduced. Nowadays everything has suddenly become easier tasks to be carried out by us. We live in an age full of wonderful growing golden opportunities.

It is time to ask ourselves these next questions:

Have I done enough to give my imagination the freedom it needs?

Have I enjoyed my moments spent in deep intentional thinking or have I felt uneasy about it?

Have I found in my meditations the required inspiration to continue in the search for my self-improvement?

Have I developed communication techniques to improve my daily communication with everybody?

Does my face express in a sincere smile my inner happiness?

It is the right time to mention communication among us human beings. Isn't it an undeniable fact that now machines surpass us regarding how well they communicate among them. On the other hand we, human beings usually have a hard time when we wish to communicate with our fellow men. Here it is time to ask ourselves another important question:

How many daily minutes do I spend immersed in intentional thinking not only to find solutions to our daily problems, but dedicated to the improvement of human relations? I firmly believe that the Cosmos Siete Program would be carried out more easily if we acquire this daily habit.

Ezequiel Roríguez Saldívar



Today, my goal is to travel in time and make you see the world as we saw it during our first seven years of living. By doing this we will be able to obtain a new inspiring point of view long ago forgotten buried under many layers of years.
We will surely gain a lot understanding how children see our adult world. With the present digital cameras is quite easy to see what they see; how they are able to appreciate our good moods, as well as our ugly side when we get angry or impatient with them; Giants in their wonderful world when they see us happy, and in monsters who frighten them in their terrible world every time they see our negative side. Their fresh brains are accurate enough to file our faces, tone of voice and body language. So ask your spouse to take you several pictures calculating the level of the height at which their eyes are, also record our commanding tone of voice voices instructing them to behave.

I've also found very useful to participate in games in which nobody has a noticeable advantage; for instance spending just a quarter of an hour observing a chosen color. It would be highly recommended not to sound like their parents or teachers; on the contrary, a joyful game full of unsuspected surprise for everybody. In this way they will feel motivated being aware that we don't know everything that their findings are as important as ours. This can be done at home and when the good weather permits outdoors. We will discover how we have underestimated our children's precise perceptions and great imagination. It is a win win family game. Not only have they learned, but us as well. Let's remember that we, their parents were chosen by them and not the other way round. Who has to behave are us parents. If we do this at least from their age’s four to seven we will reinforce their self-esteem a lot. And we will be ready for their teen years by playing our role of parents and more importantly as their true friends; loving parents who always be there for them!
A kind suggestion: use the backwards method; start with the age you are and then by closing your eyes and sharpening all the others senses go back in time; very slowly , year by year. We’ve discovered that age three is an excellent starting year to experience recollections from this year during different seasons, the year four, year five, year six and last year seven. As you might have guessed the height of your eyes is a little higher with each passing year.

Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar

miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011



La larga experiencia obtenida directamente e indirectamente en esta nuestra escuela de aprendizaje por su servidor, compañeros de estudios y alumnos contribuyeron a poder delinear, crear y poner en práctica las muchas horas de gozo productivas en tres niveles; aprender a observar; aprender a aprender y aprender a crear nuevos campos de pensamiento y acción siempre interesantes y motivadores.

Es cuando decidimos poseer un enfoque distinto, confiable e interesante de apreciar la vida con una perspectiva integral total cuando EUREKA! Nuestra siempre presente realidad espiritual al fin se integra armoniosamente con nuestro bagaje intelectual y logramos vivir una vida siempre llena de percepciones llenas de vida, amor y paz. A todos niveles siempre estamos atareados y lo que es más motivarte es que disfrutamos encarar con un corazón valeroso cualesquier reto, obstáculo o prueba creado por otros o por nosotros mismos. No hay tiempo para aburrirnos. No, señor!
Nos convertirnos en dinámicos guerreros imbuidos de la más alta y especial esencia divina.
He sido muy afortunado de haber contado con alumnos diligentes y leales, los cuales en el pasado mee ayudaron a desarrollar efectivas técnicas de desarrollo personal permanente. Por favor permíteme darte un par de ejemplos de lo anterior:
Aprendimos, sí así fue, aprendí junto con ellos a proporcionarle voz audible a los colores; pero en lugar de asignarle un vozarrón grave al color rojo le asignamos la misión de ser un suave susurro. Al color gris le dimos la misión de hacerse escuchar siempre fuerte y claro. El otro ejemplo fue el den utilizar el color asignado al día de la semana a un continente y así durante el día y la noche poder establecer un lazo de afinidad con dicho continente, sus países, innumerables ciudades, poblaciones y muy especialmente con sus paisajes llenos de lugares sagrados a través de los tiempos.

Estoy invitándote a participar con una módica mensualidad voluntaria a que formes parte de la versión ampliada y mejorada del programa COSMOS SIETE. Dicho programa está lleno ejercicios y formulas interesantes, además de contar con herramientas de auto evaluaciones.
Iniciamos a aprender a observar profundamente percepciones de los cinco sentidos objetivos. Adquirimos las horas de vuelo necesarias para contar con confiables marcos de referencia con una involucración emocional. El siguiente peldaño en nuestro ascenso es adquirir un número similar de horas de vuelo en utilizar nuestro pensamiento intencional con todo lo anteriormente observado. Terminamos la tercera punta de nuestro triángulo de aprendizaje significativo mediante un buen número de meditaciones guiadas. Nuestro desarrollo contiene un confiable equilibrio!
En síntesis:
Aprendemos a dirigirnos a nuestra siempre confiable mente subconsciente con a sugerencias armoniosas, por lo tanto mientras dormimos esta mente maravillosa facilita enormemente nuestro aprendizaje.
Actualmente estamos ofreciendo el primer mes (cuatro lecciones) completamente gratis. El único requisito es que envíes tus experiencias y comentarios para así contar con una útil retroalimentación. Gracias!

Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar



It is when we have decided to possess a wonderful and different life’s perspective by integrating in it our spiritual reality when there is no room for living dull boring lives. I’ve been lucky to have had diligent and loyal students in the past who have helped me develop effective self-improving techniques by learning them in always interesting mental/ spiritual games. Let me give you a very basic and simple example. We learnt to give speech to colors in our daily lives. Instead of assigning red color loud speech, we did the opposite; we assigned this color the softness of a whispering. As you might have guessed gray color had the loudness speech.
COSMOS SIETE PROGRAM has lots of similar always interesting exercises.
We begin with our wonderful physical world gaining some hours spent in developing acute observations, then we use the same perceptions and play with them using our creativity by accumulating some useful hours spent in intentional thinking, last but not least we dedicate some hours in guided mediations techniques to attract wonderful attributes from the spiritual realm. Our development is indeed balanced!
Please allow me to give you some more ideas on this:

The correct way to talk to our subconscious mind is the following:
“Dear and very useful subconscious mind today I’ll permit you to get the help from both, your objective mind, which is the receptacle of your daily perceptions, and also from your subjective mind which is the correct channel for all your mental processes; memory, imagination, reasoning powers, and our always reliable intuition. Will you please harmonize both minds?”

The next day talk to your objective mind asking it in a very polite manner the following:
“Dear and very appreciated objective mind the next fifteen minutes will be spent looking at everything black. Color black will be detected in everything, please!”
What I suggest doing is to keep a diary of your discoveries. People who have studied COSMOS SIETE have told me that they indeed were able to discover many apparently hidden things by using this very practical method. They also informed me that now their observation powers were tremendously improved. This was done step, by step. Usually it is the sum of small efforts much greater than acting upon a big effort.

At first, you’ll need three days to master this technique. As time goes by, only one day will be needed. Remember you are developing new useful skills. You must give your brain a chance to learn how to compute its perceptions. After spending a whole month playing with colors, and color combinations you’ll be ready to appreciate many different shapes and forms; Then, you’ll be able to develop an acute and precise sight to detect the materials which things are made, next all kinds of movement etc, etc.

The cooperation in getting complete information from COSMOS SIETE is a very small quantity, just twenty dollars per month during a complete year. Honestly it is worth at least ten times more. Be one of the lucky people around our world to get full benefits and advantages from this unique and wonderful project. If you have read some of my articles your intuition will help you guide you on the right track.

Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar



Definitivamente el más grande poder que un ser humano puede poseer es sin lugar a dudas el amoroso corazón spiritual. Ninguna persona con un poder superior mental puede afectar negativamente a dicho corazón. La Jerarquía Divina, sin embargo sí puede afectarlo con poderosas esencias pertenecientes al Reino Espiritual!

Es cuando adquirimos un íntimo conocimiento personal con alguna persona, algún evento, algún lugar o alguna verdad cuando el concepto “gnosis” se puede aplicar. Ahora bien, entonces nuestra meta será el poder obtener la gnosis de Amor Divino. Ahora podemos visualizar tomados de la mano en la sagrada senda mística a nuestro corazón espiritual con el Amor Universal. Imaginemos por unos momentos esta cósmica bendición. Las cosas maravillosamente constructivas que podemos llevar a cabo! Nuestro mundo moderno con todas sus distracciones ha evitado las hermosas contribuciones que este corazón espiritual puede cristalizar.
Es tiempo de experimentar con muestro corazón espiritual algo sacado de la Biblia.

Al tomar una respiración profunda repitamos mentalmente lo siguiente:
“Que bueno sería para hombres y mujeres el poder vivir juntos en armonía”
Al exhalar díremos:
“Vivir juntos como hermanos y hermanas en unidad”

Al hacer esto por un mínimo de tres veces experimentaremos la gnosis del Amor Universal.

La Biblia también expresa lo siguiente:
“Si tu afirmas que amas a Dios, pero odias a tu vecino, entonces amigo mío eres un mentiroso!”

Encontremos una aplicación práctica de este hecho. Cada mañana al agradecer a Dios por un día más de oportunidades de ser un digno representante de todas sus Leyes nos diremos a nosotros mismos lo siguiente:

“Dios de mi amoroso corazón espiritual ayúdame todo este día que empieza incluyendo esta noche a poder irradiar las propiedades de mi corazón espiritual a los míos, a mis compañeros de trabajo, amigos y cada ser humano que encontré mediante mi sonrisa espiritual. Amén!”



Throughout millennia man has sought power, first to master his dangerous environment and then to be able to improve his living conditions, thus becoming less slave of hard work and have more time to be used to know himself. In our modern world man’s blindness instead of developing his spiritual side to side with his physical feats man is now committing mass suicide. A very simple daily action would help man to solve this issue; to relay on the eternal wisdom of his loving spiritual heart.
Man’s spiritual heart has the total memory of all his past lives! Man needs to start diminishing his huge mistakes done to Mother Nature and humankind and really begin improving the chances of finding a much better world to keep on improving his spiritual attributes and divine properties in his next productive life.

In case we dare to compare the total power of love with the total power of mental power, we will get convinced right away that The Law of Divine Love surpassed greatly the law of Mental Power.

In my search for the gnosis of the heart, I was able to discover after many years that Gnosis means a profound personal knowledge with a person, place, event or truth. As you have guessed, it was during my mediations and prayers when and where my loving spiritual heart had its say. Step by step using divinely channels of harmonious attunement when the consciousness of the cosmic also known as Cosmic Consciousness succeeded as we met right in the middle of my mind ascending and the Cosmic Consciousness descending.

And if we after being immerse in this conviction our next logic step would be to accompany this gnosis with Divine Love; Our Divine Love hand in hand with our gnosis of the heart. This divine love already resides within our spiritual hearts, but due to our ignorance we haven't allowed it to be fully and beautifully manifested in our daily lives.

The next experiment is from the Bible. If we take three deep breaths and as we take our first inhalation we mentally repeat this.
”How good it is for men and women to live together in harmony”
And then as we exhale we complete the sentence.
”To live together as brothers and sisters in unity”
We will surely feel what is called the gnosis of our loving hearts.
Our Bible also expresses the following though:
“If you say that you love God, but hate your neighbor, then my friend you are a liar. You don't really love God.”

So what would our golden key be? It would be the gnosis of the word “service” To serve our fellow men without expecting recognition or gratitude. Usually these two aspects are missing from our fellow men, but not from The Highness.
This is indeed a short article, but is full of cosmic essence and knowledge.
God bless you all my dearest brothers and sisters.

Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar

lunes, 25 de abril de 2011



Estimados amigos y familiares, este tema aparenta ser demasiado serio, pero Dios nos dio sabiduría y las herramientas para que podamos realmente gozar el llevar a su feliz término nuestra misión en la vida. Dios nos proporcionó la vida para disfrutarla y nunca para aguantarla. Generalmente a un mes y medio antes de cumplir años nos convertimos en pensadores intencionales. Desde una saludable perspectiva espiritual estos días son magníficos para filosofar acerca de nuestros logros y como hemos sabido combinar nuestros ideales con nuestras obligaciones.
Además existen ciertos años en nuestras vidas en donde el cavilar sobre los misterios de nuestra existencia y la vida nuestro corazón y mente se unen con la gran ayuda de nuestra imaginación logran quitar los velos de la ignorancia y súbitamente nuestro ser se ilumina con inspiraciones de origen divino. Estos años son múltiplos del número siete: 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70 y 77.
Se supone que en cada año siguiente sea sumamente provechoso el poder llevar a cabo una permanente superación personal específicamente en los planos mental y espiritual; Estos años afortunados son: 8, 15, 22, 29, 36, 50, 64, 71 y 78.

Como seres espirituales teniendo experiencias humanas en nuestras meditaciones sería una buena idea tener un recuerdo de la escuela espiritual donde residíamos antes de venir al mundo con nuestra presente encarnación. Lo que sigue son algunas preguntas que tenemos que hacernos a nosotros mismos.
“¿He visto cristalizados la mayoría de mis sueños?”,” ¿He realmente hecho mi mejor esfuerzo para lograr dichas metas?”
“¿he utilizado mi día solar (el día de la semana en que nací) para mejorarme a niveles físico, emocional, mental y espiritual?”
“¿He usado mis dos días esotéricos y emplearlos en un lavado de cerebro positivo?” (Los dos días en que la luna está en tu signo lunar)” ¿He sido lo suficientemente listo para aprovechar los tres días y medio antes de cualesquier fase lunar?”

El haber sido instructor de lengua Inglesa por veinte años me abrió el panorama respecto a los diversos campos de enseñanza aprendizaje. Para pode tener mi horario completo como todo maestro y maestras cuya lengua Materna es el inglés. Tuve que competir con estadunidenses, ingleses, canadienses y chicanos.
A los dueños de dichos institutos les ofrecí que probaran lo aprendido a mis alumnos mediante evaluaciones semestrales.
Pude demostrar con hechos que en seis meses con maestros extranjeros que todos mis alumnos demostraban el mismo aprendizaje con solo cuatro meses conmigo. Para poder logarlo use todo conocimiento místico, todo tipo de artes marciales, toda sugerencia lograda en veinte años en hoteles de cinco estrellas al ser el instructor de ayudantes de mesero, meseros e inclusive capitanes de meseros.
He aquí una anécdota: en aquel entonces había muchísimas amas de casa interesadas en aprender inglés, pero más bien para socializar con sus vecinas; sus esposos hablaban inglés, sus hijos e hijas estudiaban en colegios bilingües. Empezaba la era de las parabólicas y lo que deseaban era el poder entender las películas en inglés y así no sentirse mal por ello. Pues bien demostré con hechos que mis cinco grupos de señoras de edad media comprendieron ya hablaron inglés aceptablemente bien.
En mi próxima charal les daré unas sugerencias de cómo aprendemos algo bien.
Durante veinte años satisfice el estómago de mis clientes, también por veinte años satisfice el aprendizaje de mis alumnos y ahora con la ayuda de Dios satisfaré el hambre espiritual de ustedes si me permiten demostrar con hechos lo que tengo que ofrecerles.
Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar.


It is usually when we start again using our spiritual receptors more often when we are fully aware of all the divine blessings in our lives.
Where are located such receptors? How can they be enhanced?; We, human beings posses two auras; the physical aura which is projected just a couple of inches from our skin and the spiritual aura which is projected from three to nine feet from our body. It is usually our solar plexus our psychic center which is receiving information of two kinds; about magnetic energies coming from our planet and spiritual energies coming from the sky. In most of us our frontal lobes project two real but invisible to human sight antennas which help increase the reception from both the spiritual world as well as mental messages from other human beings. You might smile because the description I gave you resembles that of little green men from mars depicted in cartoons. It is when man learns to “see” with his psychic eyes when he understands many serious things.
We don’t, then need to create and develop such receptors, all our lives have been there with us, dormant in most of us , but quite awaken few of us. For millennia mystics, poets, mathematicians, saints and spiritual people have learnt to smile with their hearts. Their eyes reflect this smile as the sun’s light is sent back to Earth by a full moon.
Every time someone says "thank you" to somebody for something. A powerful spark of divine love illuminates our world, also a pleasant fragrance emanating from the spiritual garden perfumes our world, and harmonious celestial music is attracted into our green-blue planet.
Early this morning, both my mind and heart were struck by an inspirational thought: If we are God's children then we are allowed by God Himself to bless our brothers and sisters. In order not to be misunderstood our mouths can say "thank you", but our hearts would say "I LOVE YOU!"
Also I've just realized that we've never thanked God for the success of somebody. This person, thanks to God's inspiration, was able to create something useful, something that sooner or later we will be enjoying with our love ones. I firmly believe that if right now, at this precise moment we start blessing these amazing people for their useful contributions we will indeed succeed in making this world a much better place to live in. Our harmonious attitude of gratitude not only to our Maker, but to individuals will make the big difference. It will be by emphasizing the positive aspects of our productive lives and more importantly other people's lives that our never ending self spiritual improvement will find ideal growing fields full of harmony, peace and Divine love. Please “feel” my smile of gratitude as I say to you all:


It is usually when we start again using our spiritual receptors more often when we are fully aware of all the divine blessings in our lives.
Where are located such receptors? How can they be enhanced?; We, human beings posses two auras; the physical aura which is projected just a couple of inches from our skin and the spiritual aura which is projected from three to nine feet from our body. It is usually our solar plexus our psychic center which is receiving information of two kinds; about magnetic energies coming from our planet and spiritual energies coming from the sky. In most of us our frontal lobes project two real but invisible to human sight antennas which help increase the reception from both the spiritual world as well as mental messages from other human beings. You might smile because the description I gave you resembles that of little green men from mars depicted in cartoons. It is when man learns to “see” with his psychic eyes when he understands many serious things.
We don’t, then need to create and develop such receptors, all our lives have been there with us, dormant in most of us , but quite awaken few of us. For millennia mystics, poets, mathematicians, saints and spiritual people have learnt to smile with their hearts. Their eyes reflect this smile as the sun’s light is sent back to Earth by a full moon.
Every time someone says "thank you" to somebody for something. A powerful spark of divine love illuminates our world, also a pleasant fragrance emanating from the spiritual garden perfumes our world, and harmonious celestial music is attracted into our green-blue planet.
Early this morning, both my mind and heart were struck by an inspirational thought: If we are God's children then we are allowed by God Himself to bless our brothers and sisters. In order not to be misunderstood our mouths can say "thank you", but our hearts would say "I LOVE YOU!"
Also I've just realized that we've never thanked God for the success of somebody. This person, thanks to God's inspiration, was able to create something useful, something that sooner or later we will be enjoying with our love ones. I firmly believe that if right now, at this precise moment we start blessing these amazing people for their useful contributions we will indeed succeed in making this world a much better place to live in. Our harmonious attitude of gratitude not only to our Maker, but to individuals will make the big difference. It will be by emphasizing the positive aspects of our productive lives and more importantly other people's lives that our never ending self spiritual improvement will find ideal growing fields full of harmony, peace and Divine love. Please “feel” my smile of gratitude as I say to you all:


April 20/’11
To all of you who are interested the teachings of THE COSMOS SIETE PROGRAM I dedicate it.
It's time for me to share the effective technique carried out through thru years about possessing a very useful learning tool. The harmonious total integration of our three levels of learning.
Our first level is learning at our memory level. Developing a good memory will be our first step. Nowadays there are many books and systems to master memory. At hand is the difference that exists in reading, studying and thinking. Usually when we read a fiction book the writer does our homework by explaining everything to us. The effort asks from us is just to continue reading. Another thing is when we read textbooks. First we must read for example a chapter at least three times in order to take our next step that would be to remember the main facts. When we translate these facts to our understanding we are a step higher that is using our comprehension level. Here the aid of our imagination is needed to have a reliable framework of knowledge.
We are now more than ready to go one step higher as we reach our thinking level. At this level all our mental processes play an important role; Memory, reasoning powers, imagination and our almost forgotten intuition. All of them play a harmonious learning melody because we can add our points of view, our convictions and our wisdom adding our secret creative ingredients, some of the experiences of our eternal soul personality. Our soul personality has access to the never ending inspirational fountain of the immense Universal Knowledge. Usually it is after a deep and harmonious meditation that we can be very lucky to reach this wonderful eternal Wisdom very near God's mind and immense loving heart.
Please feel free to ask for further details on this always useful theme.
Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar


Abril 20/’11
Nosotros, los seres espirituales vivimos en una dinámica acción: aprendizaje eterno. Pero, nuestro eterno aprendizaje es de gozo; una excitante aventura, un vivir productivo en donde somos bendiciones para los nuestros y la demás gente. Verdaderamente le damos gracias a Dios, nuestro creador por esta gran oportunidad de glorificar su Amoroso y Sagrado Nombre.
Esta contribución la dedico a aquellas personas que además de una natural curiosidad hayan intuido que hay algo espiritualmente bello y permanente en las enseñanzas del programa Cosmos Siete.
Por lo tanto compartiré con amoroso entusiasmo una antigua-moderna técnica la cuál logra integrar nuestros tres niveles de aprendizaje en una efectiva acción. Vayamos mencionando y enumerando estos tres niveles de aprendizaje.
Primer nivel: Aprendizaje a nivel memoria. Actualmente existen excelentes métodos de entrenar a nuestra memoria y lograr hacerla muy confiable. Aquí es necesario mencionar la diferencia entre leer, estudiar y pensar. Cuando leemos alguna novela el escritor hace la tarea por nosotros y utiliza al menos tres enfoques distintos sobre un mismo tema.
Segundo nivel: nivel de comprensión. Es cuando tenemos que leer algún libro de texto o algo sobre pasos a seguir sobre nuestra superación personal el lector requiriera involucrarse de tal manera que sea el lector el que en sea el, el que encuentre otros enfoques relacionados con sus experiencias personales. Aquí cabe mencionar el hecho de que si no hemos dedicado horas de vuelo a un pensamiento intencional encontramos que muestras experiencias no son lo suficiente buenas para obtener un conocimiento más amplio sobre dicho tema. Comprendemos que no hemos construido en nuestras mentes confiables marcos de referencia.
Tercer nivel de aprendizaje: Nivel de integración total de nuestros procesos mentales.
Mencionaré a estos procesos mentales; razonamiento deductivo e inductivo, memoria a corto, mediano y largo plazo, imaginación e intuición. Para poder llegar a esto tuve que consultar docenas de libros sobre teorías de enseñanza-aprendizaje.
En verdad pasaron muchos años intentando integrar armoniosamente estos procesos, inclusive tuve que agregarle conocimientos místicos. En meditaciones profundas, poco a poco mi mente se iluminó al igual que mi corazón y comprendí que son nuestras acciones altruistas las que facilitan la mágica mezcla de estos tres niveles de aprendizaje en uno solo.
Mi humilde meta fue crear un sistema de la aplicación práctica de todo lo aprendido solo en mi vida ya que nunca pensé compartirlo con las demás personas.
El programa Cosmos Siete utiliza una lección semanal. El curso tiene una duración de un año; cincuenta y dos semanas. Se requiere un mínimo de una hora diaria de estudio y descubrimientos. Media hora de observaciones y ocho horas después de pensamiento intencional sobre lo observado. El resultado siempre será aprendizaje significativo.
Atenta y fraternalmente:
Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar



Es debido a nuestra siempre hermosa herencia espiritual, cuando en ciertas épocas del año gozamos haciéndonos preguntas serias y vitales sobre nuestra existencia y el papel que jugamos en ella. Casi siempre nos ponemos a filosofar justo un mes y medio antes de nuestro cumpleaños, específicamente cincuenta y dos días antes. Además de que existen ciertos años en que es muy natural hacer esto durante todo el año. De acuerdo a ciertos conocimientos hindúes esto ocurre en múltiplos de siete. Entre más vieja sea nuestra alma nuestro cuestionamiento empieza a muy temprana edad, por ejemplo los 7, 14,21 o 28 años; en la mayoría de la población a los 35, 42 y 49 años, y en unos cuantos hasta los 56, 63 y 70 años de edad. Debido a que somos seres espirituales teniendo experiencias humanas es al año siguiente donde debemos hacer nuestro mejor esfuerzo por llevar a cabo las metas y objetivos logrados en estos años de filosofar; dichosa años entonces serían:8, 15,22, 29, 36, 43, 50, 57, 64 y 71.

No importa los años que actualmente tengas he aquí preguntas substanciales que sería una buena idea empezar a auto preguntarnos.

“Se han cristalizado la mayoría de mis ideales espirituales?”
“He hecho mi mejor esfuerzo para tener éxito en lograr mis metas?”
“He utilizado mis días solares para mejorar mi cuerpo, mente y espíritu?”
“Respecto a mis dos magníficos días de lavado positivo de cerebro, he usado mi luna en mi signo?”
“Y respecto a mis tres días y medio antes de cada fase lunar, los he aprovechado al máximo al usar mi pirámide invisible?”

Como te habrás dado cabal cuenta las técnicas de auto superación personal son siempre sencillas y fáciles de seguir. Se requiere de sistema y orden y una persona (coach) que esté vigilando nuestro desempeño.
El sistema COSMOS SIETE con mi supervisión y motivación logará que tu avance sea siempre maximizado.
Pasé más de veinte años aprendiendo como el ser humano aprende algo útil a largo plazo. En otras palabras, para al ser instructor de lengua inglesa en todo tipo de personas, niños, adolescentes, jóvenes, personas de edad media y de diversas profesiones; maestros, arquitectos, ingenieros de sistemas, amas de casa etc, Aprendí a que existen muchas formas de modalidad de aprendizaje, pero el común denominador siempre fue en que en todos existe EL APRENDIZAJE SIGNIFICATIVO.

Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar



As spiritual beings having human experiences in certain periods of the year we start asking ourselves vital questions which in essence are 100% of a spiritual nature. In each one of our lives is printed our mission in our current life. This was done as we were waiting to be born again in the sacred school of our soul.
These whisperings are common on the years where we become much more receptive in order to get prepared to carry out dynamic action the next year; these years are when we are , 7,14,21,28, 35,42 and specially 49,56,63 at 70 again this need increases. As you have guesses it flows the sacred seven year life cycle. The older our soul personality is the younger age we start to become mystic/philosophers. Here are some questions which enhance our need to enroll in a continuous self-improvement done at all levels.

“Have I seen crystallized most of my spiritual dreams?” “Have I always done my best efforts to succeed in achieving such sacred goals?” “Have I used my solar days to improve my body, mind and spirit?” “Have I used positive brain-washing techniques during my two days of the month when my moon sign was ruling?” “Have I been smart enough to use to my advantage the three days and a half before each moon sign?”And have I used each one of my fifty two days before each birthday immersed in deeper meditation sessions?”
Being an ESL teacher for over twenty years and having to compete with born American citizens, Canadian, Chicanos and British. My results must have been superior to those teachers who by the way they spoke the language, but who only five percent had the vocation; Needless to say that my working schedule was as full as theirs. I used everything learnt; esoteric teachings, martial arts teachings including my twenty year expertise gathered in five star hotels becoming an expert in food and drinks. This job gave me lots of opportunity to discover the different learning modalities people have. I also became an expert regarding which food and vitamins and minerals were memory enhancers. This is something I discovered throughout my teaching years. Our minds are wonderfully built and in order not to be overwhelmed by so much information our brain has several filters to avoid this invasion of data. Our brain needs from five to seven days before any vital information passes through customs and becomes part of our long term learning. You see, it depends on several factors; how the new learning was presented by a textbook or teacher, how really interested was the student in learning this topic. And finally did the student was aware of climbing the three steps to effective learning? The first step is based in memory; the second step is based in comprehension level and the third one in intentional thinking. Sat this last level is when the student learns to use his imagination and start creating useful combinations. It is at this step when any new knowledge is fully integrated in our neurological system becoming permanent been filed in a specific brain area.
This how THE COSMOS SEVEN PROGRAM was created! By acute observations and intentional thinking blended with our altruistic emotions. We don’t need to posses a high IQ to benefit from such program.
Because facts have louder and clearer speech than words why don’t you study this article using the three levels of effective learning?
Ezequiel Rodriguez Saldívar.



No podemos negar el hecho de que todo en el microcosmos y el macrocosmos posee ritmo. Cada célula está permanentemente entonada con los ritmos del universo. Lo mismo se puede afirmar de nuestros órganos inclusive nuestros sistemas corporales, inclusive nuestro mundo espiritual también posee ritmo.

Actualmente existen numerosos productos medicinales que nos ayudan en nuestros problemas digestivos, como la indigestión, colitis, reflujo, agruras etc. Pero sabemos de los efectos colaterales que provocan dichos remedios. Es nuestro plexo solar el encargado de facilitar nuestro entonamiento con los ritmos cósmicos. Durante una semana empezando en una polaridad positiva larga de la luna (tres días y medio antes de cada fase lunar) al yacer en nuestras camas vamos a imaginar que de nuestro plexo solar “sale” ascendiendo una espiral que se va expandiendo con un movimiento contario a las manecillas de un reloj. Aquí nuestra imaginación juega un rol muy vital. Hay que sentir como la energía de esta espiral ascendente se proyecta de nuestros abdómenes hasta alcanzar el cielo raso de nuestra recámara. Usando nuestra visión remota debemos continuar ascendiendo esta energía expansiva; treinta metros, cincuenta, sesenta tres cientos, mil metros, seis kilómetros, doce kilómetros, cien kilómetros, setecientos kilómetros, mil kilómetros y así continua esta espiral alcanzando galaxias lejanas. Permítele a esta energía que se pierda en el espacio exterior. Confía en que entre más altitud gana abarca más y más planetas, estrellas, sistemas y galaxias.

He aquí ciertas experiencias personales:
Respecto a sentir la espiral de niño al jugar con los sillones de peluquería se mi padre y como sentía que mi alma se elevaba armoniosamente al girarlos de izquierda a derecha y como sentía que viajaba al centro de la tierra al gíralo de derecha a izquierda.
Tuve la gran suerte de poder a asistir a reuniones místicas semanales en donde el ritual del templo nos preparaba lenta y seguramente a tener nuestras meditaciones casi al final de una hora y media de una conferencia que tocaba temas de actualidad.
Pues bien fue hasta el tercer año en que descubrimos efectivas técnicas de recibir instrucción muy personalizada de origen cien por ciento espiritual. De cuarenta personas que empezamos al término de diez años quedamos solo una docena. Y de estas doce personas destacamos la mitad de ellas. Fui el segundo miembro que experimentó bellísimas iniciaciones esotéricas. Las otras dos personas y su servidor recopilamos experiencias mentales/ espirituales nunca antes sido trasmitidas en forma oral o escrita. El experimento de la espiral ascendente fue una de tantas.

Sinceramente posee conocimientos que deseo transmitirles como una herencia espiritual; mínimo se requiere de doce meses de lecturas y lecciones semanales en donde comprobaran ustedes mismos con hechos irrefutables los grandes beneficios recibidos a todos niveles; físico, emocional, mental y espiritual. Bastarían solo cuarenta y ocho lecciones al año para poder convencerlos con estos hechos.



Man cannot deny that everything in Nature has rhythm: Planets, our solar system and galaxies have different very peculiar swinging movements, even our small intestine follows the universal rhythm. Every cell in our bodies has its own rhythm.
I discovered this at an early age as I attended Sunday mass before watching a matinee movie in my hometown. I would sit right in the front benches in order not to lose anything from the harmonious Catholic Church rituals.
I was always so concentrated that unconsciously a very noticeable swaying was perceived by adult people attending mass. They forbade me to enjoy this swaying, because according to them I was showing a lack of respectful behavior.
The seven first years of our marriage I didn’t attend mass on Sundays only my wife, sisters and children did. And when I attended this unavoidable swaying was always with me, but now my attitude was understood due to the fact that wife and daughter had attended a new Church movement; ”THE HOLY GHOST”Now many things carried out by other churches was permitted!
For thirty five years I had attended some mystical meeting on a weekly basis (on Thursdays) where after a topic was presented we had to mediate on it. So in these sacred periods to sway was allowed even suggested. My meditations that are done sitting down on a chair I also enjoyed swinging from left to right. This harmonious movement helps me to get attuned very fast with my inner self. Later on I learned that this peculiar movement it's done by Sufi mystics. I'm also very familiar with the American Indians rituals in which dancing and chanting it is their way to communicate with higher harmonious forces. And God almightily!, With Mexican very sacred locations, which we have many, due to our wide cultural background. It is an indescribable experience. It is like your Great Canyon feeling of awesomeness when you are lucky enough to really experiment the tremendous magnetic force of Mother Nature.

There is a very useful exercise in esoteric studies which takes forty-five days to complete. Every night in order to feel connected with our universal forces, an exercise is carried out in order to feel reconnected with our Universe and its healing powerful forces. It is even much before you complete this forty-five days when you are able to experiment amazing results in your digestive system. No more heart burns, neither suffering from indigestion nor other stomach problems. The intake of antacids is needed no more, but more importantly the clarity of mind we obtain by doing this exercise is highly recommended.
The fragrance coming from good incense increases with our swinging. The same applies to listening to soft instrumental background music. Let’s keep in mind that it is when we experiment a natural swinging, never the forced swinging when we obtain excellent results. This achievement allows us to feel really connected with Nature, many natural laws and high cosmic harmonious flowing energies.
All these qualities help us a lot to be able to listen more clearly and louder to our always wise inner voice.
Most times, from brief moments one feels the connection with the unique huge loving unity pulsating from God's loving heart!

Today that's what I wanted to share with you all, something valuable and very practical.


April/ 20/’11

Suddenly, today to my mind came something amazing occurred on January 23rd 2,009. I will never forget this instructive and particular morning just a week away from my sixty seventh birthday during my solar day.

That morning while walking, suddenly the cardinal points toward I was heading stared a conversation with me.
While walking northwards I sense more than listen to the following words:

“You’re waking toward where cold crystalline water arises from the North Pole into a high altitude, and from there travels very fast heading southwards. I am dropping some of this magic water into your head until all your hair and scalp are completely wet. This wetness feels like you are being baptized, so The Holy Spirit can descend over you penetrating every single cell in your physical and spiritual body. From now on your communication with our Father will be carried out with much stronger spiritual links, so obey all the suggested pieces of advice.”

While walking westwards now the subtle voice of element air was heard.

“Enclosed in my molecules is the eternal vital regenerating force. This force encircles what the Chinese call “chi”, the Japanese call “ki”, Greeks name it “nous, Indian people call it “prana ”and many other important names. This high energy revitalizes every blood cell in your body plus it also nourishes your spiritual being with the “mana” of heaven.”

As soon I gave a turn, and now I was walking southwards nearby is the majestic mountain called “Saddle Mountain” It said to me:
“I represent the element earth, so all my energy will be absorbed by your body as you walk towards the cardinal point south. All the mineral and trace elements that your body needs will be totally integrated via your foot soles, so abandon the paved path and walk on my sacred soil”

I did this. Then I had to give another left turn as I was heading eastwards. Immediately the Glorious East stared talking to me:

“I represent the eternal purifying fire, so please feel my healing warmth. Allow me to help you vitalizing your kidneys, so they will fulfill its wonderful mission of keeping the right amount of heat in your body. This temperature will kill harmful bacteria and also will give extra heat to your solar plexus. Your solar plexus is what keeps your perfect balance between the communication had by your soul personality and your human part.”

I had the inner pleasant sensation of being part of the microcosm and macrocosm; our eternal duality being manifested in a triple harmonious way. I thank you God! Ah! How wonderful feeling!
Today is a very spring warm day, so I infer the four cardinal points speak to us differently in each one of our four seasons.
Ezequiel RODRÍGUEZ Saldívar


Abril/ 20/’11
Hoy, en plena primavera, repentinamente me acordé de una experiencia extraordinaria al encontrarme dando vueltas a un parque público retirado a lo media cuadra de la casa de ustedes.
La fecha exacta es Enero 23 del año 2,007 a solo una semana de mi cumpleaños. Era un viernes, un viernes previo a la celebración.
Muy real y aún fresca en mi memoria están los hechos de estos cuatro grandes amigos del hombre. He Aquí dichos recuerdos:

Ya había dado un par de vueltas (510 metros la vuelta) en una fría mañana cuando al caminar hacia el norte escuché internamente a este punto cardinal diciéndome: “
“Caminas hacia donde la cristalina y helada agua que se eleva del Polo Norte a una gran altitud y desde ahí viaja velozmente deslizándose hacia el sur. Dejo caer sobre tu cabeza algo de esta agua mágica hasta notar que tu cabello y cuero cabelludo estén completamente empapados. Esta humedad simboliza tu bautizo espiritual sagrado como un hombre de la tercera edad .Facilitando la absorción integral del Santo Espíritu.
De aquí en adelante El Sagrado Espíritu Santo te ayudará a comunicarte con nuestro Padre Celestial y puedas iluminar tu mente y corazón con sus siempre sabias sugerencias!”
Al dar la vuelta hacia mi izquierda el elemento aire, simbolizado por el poniente empezó diciéndome:
“Encerradas en mis moléculas existe la energía condesada y regenerativa la cuál es eterna y vital. La gente a través de las eras y lugares me han nombrado: maná, prana, chi, ki, nous,azokatta etc. Por favor toma muchas más respiraciones profundas, especialmente al amanecer que es cuando el sol se funde armoniosamente en mi!”

Tan pronto como di vuelta hacia el sur mi caminar encaró al siempre majestuoso CERRO DE LA SILLA. Diciéndome en un suave ritmo proveniente de todos los minerales y el agua vibrando en su interior.

“Represento alegremente al elemento tierra, por lo tanto envío en espirales emanantes y expándanles a un metro debajo de tu caminar para que tus pies puedan absorber totalmente estas energías tónicas curativas y todas tus chacras se alimenten de ellas, deja de caminar sobre el camino peatonal de cemento y camina sobre suelo sagrado!! “
Siguiendo este sabio concejo llegué al final de mí caminar hacia el sur y al dar la vuelta y encarar al oriente suaves lenguas de un fuego que nunca quema, pero que si energiza escuché:
“Soy el fuego purificador, siente mi calor regenerador y sanador que se almacena en tus riñones .Mis emanaciones ayudan a tu desempeño sexual y al mismo tiempo queman bacterias y virus dañinos. Me acumulo en tu plexo solar y desde ahí me conecto con el poderoso y sagrado CORDÓN DE PLATA. Y este a su vez armoniza a cada uno de mis centros psíquicos. Mis centros psíquicos ahora poseen la conexión divina como instrumentos de una bella sinfonía tocan música celestial a Dios. AMEN!”

En este sagrado momento soy parte importante del Universo y comprendo mi lugar en el PLAN GENERAL DE DIOS!
Que maravillosa sentimiento espiritual!
Siempre he sido parte de LA UNIDAD!
Dios de mi amante corazón y Dios de mi amable comprensión. Gracias! Gracias! Gracias!

martes, 19 de abril de 2011



Today thinking in how to project an effective protective shield around us, suddenly came to my mind what we mystics called OUR SANCTUM. For us this sacred and blessed by God and us is indeed a reliable copy from the spiritual world; what the world knows as heaven. Our spiritual being indeed needs this sacred palace in order to have its suggestions listened to. Besides when visited by Cosmic Masters their influence is strongly felt. These masters don’t come to our sanctum to solve our problems, but to inspire us take courses of action. They also leave in our hearts the courage to create and in our minds constructive thoughts and ideas in order to become much better human beings; Expressing our gratitude to God, to our fellow man by smiling at him with our loving hearts.

Our sanctum will have definite cardinal points well imprinted in our memory, it will also have right in its middle a vortex, an ascending spiral coming out from the top of our head. We should ask our inner self to create a ritual in order to always use it with ethics. By using soft instrumental music, first quality incense, some fresh flowers a glass water bowl containing at least a liter and a half of fresh water and a candle burning. All these symbols will definitely attract to us powerful descending spiritual forces. All of this will be reinforced by a proper mental attitude from us.

We have improved our sacred mystical moments by imagining that above us is the always clear night sky with all the beautiful moon, stars, planets, Milky Way and galaxies. Remember darkness enhances all our spiritual abilities because we are light from Divine origin. This placement of our dome makes it easier for us to communicate with other human beings, as well as highly spiritual superior beings.

Here I want to emphasize the misconception of this very common word. A superior being; physical, mental of spiritual means this being is at the service of many people and not many people are at the service of these beings. A superior being won’t do our work for us. He just will inspire us to take dynamic actions in our every day lives! It is us the ones to carry out these required actions.
In a very real spiritual mental sense this sacred dome has always existed, so what we have to do is to dwell in it more often than in our past. Do you think it sounds fantastic? Well dear friend actually is much more real that our experienced daily physical realities.
Please recall that I always suggest doing things never I command at all.
For almost all my life I’ve firmly believed that more than words facts speak themselves louder and clearer.

Please feel your true self loving, understanding and talking to you.
Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar



El enfoque de hoy requiere de algunas preguntas hechas a nosotros mismos.
“Que es más importante. El experimentar la armonía sintiéndola en cada fibra íntima de nuestro ser o bien que nuestro cerebro “comprenda” el concepto?”
Nuestro verdadero ser: el ser interno llamado alama verdaderamente goza dichos mágicos momentos. Si analizamos bien dichos momentos nos daremos cuenta que es cuando nuestra felicidad acarrea felicidad no solo a los nuestros sino a muchas otras personas también. En dichos momentos estamos cara a cara con nuestra esencia divina! La sentimos y experimentamos sagrado amor universal! nos sentimos completos y además nos observamos con amor sagrado y perdurable amor universal!
Desde este momento la sola pronunciación de la palabra armonía nos armoniza inmediatamente con Dios, Su reino y toda su celestial jerarquía!
Lo que a continuación sigue son unas sencillas recomendaciones para empezar a sentir ARMONÍA.
Acostumbro a dar de ocho a doce vueltas a un parque público a solo media cuadra de nuestro hogar. En tiempo es de una hora a hora y media.
El primer paso dado en mi primera vuelta me digo a mi mismo:
“Este caminar se convierte en una tarea armoniosa ya que voy absorbiendo toda la armonía circundante a mi caminar. Surge de mí ser una simple oración al Dios de mi comprensión, al señor de mi amante corazón. Dios te agradezco a todos los lugares que estas piernas me han llevado.”Es esta simple acción la que me brinda satisfacción sintiéndome muy afortunado.

En mi segunda vuelta me digo a mi mismo:
“Soy confianza y fortaleza ya que debajo de mi la Madre Tierra energiza mi cuerpo físico y de arriba de los cielos azules desciende un gran poder solar vitalizando a mi ser integral. De mi plexo solar emana el eterno Yin-yang hacia arriba y a hacia abajo. Mi plexo cardiaco vibra y se me emanan grandes cantidades de amor universal .Mi glándula tiroides; de un rojo intenso se expanden poderosas energías cósmicas hacia mi cerebro y mi corazón facilitando la traducción de las altísimas vibraciones espirituales transmutándolas en percepciones físicas comprensibles a my consciencia objetiva. Mi glándula timo sed aviva y crece en tamaño psíquico facilitando mis viajes astrales. Y finalmente mi tercer ojo, área psíquica, glándula pituitaria y cuerpo pineal proyectan armoniosa luz espiritual a todo rincón de la tierra eliminado la ignorancia de las personas y eliminando toda emoción negativa en sus mentes y corazones.”
En mi tercera vuelta me convierto en una emanación perenne de LA LUZ, LA VIDA Y EL AMOR DE DIOS NUESTRO SEÑOR.
Repitiendo constantemente al tiempo que golpeo firmemente mi muñeca izquierda con mis tres dedos de en medio de mi mano derecha:
“Hoy, mañana y siempre le permitiré a mi ser interno el poder manifestar libremente cada uno de sus dones, cada una de sus habilidades y cada uno de sus divinos atributos en mi diario vivir. En mi diario vivir .En mi diario vivir. Amén!”

Solo diré que los resultados siempre han sido asombrosos, esperaré tus comentarios. Te sugiero que no lo pospongas. Escríbeme al menos experimentar esto por cuatro días seguidos.



Today’s approach will use some self-questions:
What is more important?; To experience harmony or to understand it? Experiencing some harmonious moments are always cherished by our souls. By the way, our soul loves to be happy as we are able to make our love ones and people happy done by a direct manner or by an indirect way. In a pure spiritual sense harmony is a pleasant spiritual feeling; it is when there exists a sacred fusion with our divine essence.

In order for everybody to have a clear idea let's use some common everyday life examples; we experience harmony in music, when some musical notes attune ourselves with very pleasant sounds. We realize that music indeed is a universal language. Who hasn't felt alive and very happy by listening to a waltz?; And what about our national courage every time we listen to a military band melody? Or become romantically involved by listening to Debussy’s “La MER” or “Clare d Lune”?
Then we experience harmony when we appreciate an art piece; when we are face to face with a master piece; the colors, forms and perspective in a harmonious blending? It takes us some time to catch our breath again.
And then, when we use learning by discovery and we are aware of a scientific law in action. What big difference it makes in us as our soul exclaims: “EUREKA”

Even the pronunciation of the word harmony attracts into our reality a very harmonious feeling. Let's give a step further on to try to experiment the indescribable, but wonderful feeling of God's love in our daily lives.

How amazing are all Natural Laws created by God Himself. “DIVINE LOVE” is so, so impacting in our hearts that we feel very fortune to be immerse in this High Quality principle.

At the beginning of this year I tried to become harmony. Every time I went for my early walk, I really tried to wear these magical shoes. The first going around the park, about half a mile, I stared saying to myself. “My walking becomes a pleasant harmonious task; every step that I take attracts harmony”.
My walking becomes so harmonious that I thank God for all the places I've gone thanks to my legs. This makes me feel very, very lucky.

On my second round I say to myself.
“I am supreme strength and confidence because beneath me Mother Earth energizes my physical body and from above my soul and mind absorb the powerful energy from the sun. From my solar plexus flow the eternal Yin-Yang, my cardiac plexus releases large amounts of divine universal love, my vibrating deep red color thyroid gland improves its translating powers; it makes understandable every single spiritual experience at a physical consciousness level. My thymus gland allows a perfect balance regarding my astral projections and the spiritual lessons learned at the temple of Alden. My third eye, pituitary gland and pineal body cast beautiful beams containing wisdom and make every single shadow disappear. I’ve become God’s child of universal love! I spreading God’s supreme attributes all around me!.”

On my third round I begin repeating to myself.
“Divine Attributes emanate freely all around me and like the ripples in a quite lake make these waves reach every human being, animal and mineral on Earth’s surface.”

I continue my walking until I'm able to complete twelve rounds. This usually takes me about ninety minutes. By the way, most posts come by inspired moments while I'm walking, forgetting not to thank the God of my brave loving heart for all His multiple blessings. Next I think of you as to have a very strong intuition by what kind of writing some of you might need, so I open both my mind and heart to divine inspiration. Having then a clear idea I start composing the post by altering it several times until I have the feeling that it is right. I know that many times there are misspelled words, but sometimes I sacrifice grammar to reach your souls and loving minds.

Dear friends I really open my heart and mind to allow God’s inspired messages do some good in your lives; this is the main reason to write; To share with you all my very best.


April/ 20/’11

As we grow older nature makes us to slow down not to keep learning so many things, but to learn how to share our many blessings. It is when we teach. When we really are aware about how much we really know about a theme. In my humble case it was after thirty five years sent learning when, suddenly some inspirational thoughts arrived at this mind. At that time I thought they were meant to me, but soon enough I discovered they were meant to be shared. At that time I had written thirty five action journals regarding my discoveries had done this to be distributed among my children. At that time the name I used was THE KRONOS PROJECT now it is updated and reviewed and it is named THE COSMOS SEVEN METHOLOGY.
During my fifty two years of constant study and doing research an internal urge has been suggesting me to give it to the world by asking just for a very small amount; a donation. This always practical intentional thinking system will cost so little to those enrolled in a worldwide plan.
Now I'm fully aware of the many golden opportunities that passed by without having an inkling of their presence. For many years I had wrongly assumed that knowledge was all a human being required to fulfill his sacred mission in life. I like most people was dead wrong. It is wisdom our sacred key word, but not only wisdom alone, no wisdom accompanied with a loving very brave heart. Self-assertiveness opposed to aggressiveness. It is amazing how it is after we relearn to see our physical world with eyes without the blindfold when you give everything and everybody their proper place. It is wonderful news to know that God loves us, but it is much more rewarding realizing that we indeed love God, when we start becoming a very useful instrument of peace and enjoyment in his name. What a magnificent opportunity every one of us has not to change our world, but to change our own attitude towards it! Everybody will start smiling at us; in such a way that we couldn't believe it was possible, because even babies would smile at us immediately. How beautiful are all human beings when we are able to see their perfect soul personalities not paying attention to their bodies’ imperfections or the wrong attitudes they play. The law of Divine Love is the most powerful energy in the Universe!
I thank you for listening to my loving heart. With my most desires of PEACE PROFOUND and succeeding in changing the way we view our daily lives is the key to prolonged true happiness.
Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar


April/ 20/’11

Siempre ha sido que al madurar como seres humanos cambia radicalmente nuestra perspectiva de la vida. Ahora nos interesa más el poder compartir lo mejor de nuestras vidas; nuestros éxitos y fracasos son ambas excelentes lecciones de vida para los nuestros primeramente y para el público después.
De joven me fascinaba colarme en seminarios para maestros y padres interesados en optimizar la educación de sus hijos. De soltero encontraba sumamente atractiva la plática de mis mayores, especialmente las personas mayores de los cincuenta años. Para mí el yunque de la vida había fraguado sus vidas. Dicen los expertos en educación que hasta que no tratemos de enseñar algo realmente sabremos que tanto realmente sepamos de algún tema.

En mi particular caso desde los diez años de edad mi misión fue la de absorber tanto conocimiento como
Fuese possible. Mi investigación y recopilación duró treinta años; de 1952 a 1982. Súbitamente en el trabajo al estar esperando a la última mesa en un comedor del Hotel Ambassador cuándo inspiración divina iluminó primeramente mi corazón y después mi mente. Un sistema fue tomando forma y comprendí que tenía que compartirlo. Lo que me ayudó fue el hecho que en Julio del año mil novecientos setenta y cinco empecé a escribir todas mis observaciones y descubrimientos en diarios de acción; en mil novecientos ochenta ay dos ya había escrito treinta cinco diarios con muchas imágenes en ellos. Estos diarios me sirvieron de útiles herramientas para poder armar un método infalible de auto-superación personal. Sé bien que no es el único ni el primero, pero sí muy diferente a todo lo cuanto hasta ahora.
Esta entonces es una atenta invitación a que participes activamente en dicha metodología a nivel mundial en su forma de plan piloto. Además de solicitarte una cooperación voluntaria mensual deseo que me proporcionen valiosa retroalimentación.
El sistema es siempre efectivo ya que se basa en la simplicidad. Los números que utiliza son el número tres, el siete y el doce. Empezamos con el siete.
Se de los primeros y al cabo de un año llevarás una gran ventaja de los que estarán empezando. El valor agregado será el que tú seas un instructor calificado en tu ciudad y dispongas de un confiable ingreso extra.

Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar



Nowadays the world’s urgent need is to allow us participate more actively in order to face and solve today’s issues .Today is the right time for us to dare to offer what we have. We need to accomplish this very subtlety at first and then our dynamic actions will convince everybody about our worthiness. We need first to consider the following thought: In each one of us is a part of the most advanced machinery which will be used not only today’s issues, but the future ones as well. For many years we have wrongly believed that only the top enterprises, including Country governments are the ones to solve our world’s problems. We’ve also mistakenly thought that by listening to the experts would be the best we can actually do. Most of the times an expert in only one field, dares to give solutions to fields he is only one more of us laymen. Besides not only highly industrialized nations have all the answers. Every country of our planet must be participant of this, our next gigantic step. Mark my words. The same applies for every citizen of our global village. Our world is now very different!

To be able to give reliable solutions for today and for tomorrow’s issues is without doubt our golden opportunities. The world is eagerly waiting for our contributions.
Never like today is expected from us to make our best efforts to supply very practical solutions. Let’s recall that right now, that the solutions given would be for benefit of the whole world.

One of the main barriers is the conventional thinking held by our brains and minds. The aptitudes to posses a deep though aren’t developed by themselves. They definitely need to be developed through very specific mental training. It’s similar to learning a new language. I dare to say that it is even more difficult, but we really don’t have other alternatives to follow.

We can convince ourselves by observing all the trained minds which have succeeded on this. Our great advances of our civilization are the result of the use of creative thoughts. So, why don’t we increase the number of great thinkers worldwide? The new ideas, the inspirational light bolts, never take place in minds lacking key information. Our next step would be to be able to distinguish between minds full of facts, and knowledge acquired functionally all in significant situations, to those cluttered minds filled with data through mechanical means, besides these minds hadn’t obtained the level of maturity needed!
Some years ago I read in an important business magazine this slogan:
“Nature works along lines of least resistant”
That slogan made a huge impression in my mind. It made have the following thoughts: We must make very accurate mental inventory of all mental faculties with great exactitude. By doing this we will be able to know with great precision the particular lines by which they are easily and naturally adapted. This reliable information would place us on the right track, the correct launching pad. This solid platform would give us confidence in our skills and abilities. When we are in the correct pace in the general scheme of things, we surely be happy, this happiness would bring our fellow men true happiness too.

When we really know a thing and we’ve taken all the necessary measurements of it, we can know its starting point. We know its action and reaction. So we can use it having very predictable effects. In this particular case it’s our mind which we have to know. The usefulness of its mental processes: Memory, reasoning, imagination and intuition. The combination of these processes would indicate us our professional places in life.
I am inviting you once more to join me in demonstrating the world with cold facts regarding our mental growth and great motivation being born from only one year study. Everything we need is seen in the COSMOS SEVEN PROGRAM

There’s still much that was left unsaid until you have studied this article. I’ll be patiently waiting for your feedback. Best regards.
Supporting our local talent will be one of the many benefits achieved by us working together.
Ezequiel Rodriguez Saldívar

lunes, 18 de abril de 2011


Everybody indeed wishes to enjoy a future where there are many more blessings, especially for our love ones. Our Governments won’t do enough to guarantee this. There are still many created powerful interests regarding the lots of junk food around the world. There is still a lot of corruption which is above the environmental protective laws. Not everything is lost because you and I can start a productive chain reaction which will stop all this nonsense. Our minds are still free to create a deep consciousness among every human being on our planet’s surface.
All the Cosmic laws crated by God will give us the strength enough, the courage the illumination to carry out our work done mostly in a sacred/mental/ spiritual manner. There are, of course born leaders who will be our saviors and heroes, but they will definitely need our spiritual/ mental help in order for them to accomplish their tasks.

Since an early age I was very lucky to be accepted in mysticism which cast a lot of esoteric wonderful teachings into my hungry mind and loving heart. These ancient-modern teaching have allowed many of us to dare to act, to posses a powerful full loving heart filled with god’s daily inspirations.

Harmonious adjustments to big world changes will be a common factor. Change is the only law of Nature that doesn’t change; anything else sooner or later has to change. That’s one of the basics laws of life. So it would be very wise to start learning this wonderful lesson to avoid panic in our lives. Who knows better? God does. Aren’t we His most wonderful creation? Indeed we are. So we shouldn’t be worried at all! In order to experience a dramatic spiritual awakening by elimination our superfluous living this apparently hard measure will bring almost everybody to experience a harmonious balance. It definitely is for our own good and evolution, no doubt about it. Here it would be beneficial to try to explain something amazing and hard at the same time my three encounters with THE AKHASIC RECORDS.

After a daily meditation I saw my self in a very clean and at the same time strange place. It was a combination of a museum, a library and a very sacred temple. Regarding the museum, it had thousands of man-made objects made ten thousand years ago and just made yesterday. It was very peculiar how you really couldn’t distinguish which was made yesterday and which was made ten thousand years ago. It was by comparing two tools that it was indeed difficult to know which was which. It was mainly due to the fact that both looked exactly alike regarding their age. There was no one to inform you. No museum guides, only your inner knowledge that’s all. At that time, ten years ago, I saw a thin plastic sheet that contained one thousand pages from a book. If you just touched a part of this shinning piece a page would appear, page with still images and video and sometimes impressive holograms. As you know well electronic tablets are becoming very common these days. To me the answer is quite simple. Let’s return to our effective ways of relating to mother Earth. Let’s have family vacations in the woods. In late nineteen seventy nine I suggested many corporative owners of factories here in Monterrey to do this with their best loyal workers as a reward for increasing productivity.
Nearby there are many wonderful mountain places; log cabins with all the basic services.
Since then many big corporative have been doing this. To be surrounded by Mother Nature allows us to really see the big picture.
Ezrquiel Rodríguez Saldívar



Desde una perspectiva integral todas nuestras vidas estaremos íntimamente relacionados con el elemento agua. La vocal que la invoca, estimula y tonifica es la clara y fuerte vocal castellana “E”.

Este sagrado elemento ha sido siempre importantísimo en nuestro cotidiano vivir, tanto ha sido así que realmente hemos olvidado su gran simbolismo y gran ayuda. No solo haremos un diario hábito el de auto preguntarnos ¿cuánta agua he bebido hoy? Sino también: ¿Hay constantemente agua fresca (recién vertida) en un recipiente de vidrio de boca muy ancha en nuestra recámara y cuarto de meditación? Dicha agua debe de renovarse cada 24 horas.

Citando a la Física, sabemos que el agua siempre se está evaporando aunque nosotros no la podamos medir ni presenciar dicha vaporación. El agua fue, es y será nuestra gran ayudante en nuestro auto desarrollo físico, mental y espiritual.

Ahora citemos a grandes verdades esotéricas: “La forma espiritual del agua es un elemento necesario para nuestra parte espiritual. Nuestra alma se manifiesta a través de ella.”,” El agua refuerza el campo eléctrico-magnético de nuestras auras” he citado dos de las siete aplicaciones prácticas del agua en el sendero místico. Solo mencionaré que nuestro Ser-Interno requiere de una permanente humedad circundante.

A nuestro nivel físico consciente cada día aumentan las vibraciones físicas provenientes no solo del normal magnetismo terrestre y solar, pero de vibraciones hechas por el constante bombardeo proveniente de nuestra moderna tecnología. Los cerebros de niños, adolescentes y adultos “reciben” infinidad de mensajes subliminales alentándonos a ser consumidores eternos; inclusive muchas imágenes dañinas de pornografía. Aquí surge una pregunta vital: “ Qué medidas tenemos qué adoptar para que no nos perjudiquen tanto? Qué tipos de filtros debemos de emplear?”Para neutralizare en gran medida dicho bombardeo.

El recipiente de boca ancha conteniendo al menos dos litros de agua colocado en todas nuestras recámaras. Colocados preferentemente al oriente. El de nuestra recamara retirado de nuestras cabezas al menos dos metros. Este es el mejor filtro que podamos usar, otro serían los costosos inciensos de la India, los cuales son enrollados a mano conteniendo fragancias a naturales lejos de esencias químicas. Estas fragancias naturales logran limpiar a nuestra atmosfera facilitando el descenso de energía cósmica concentrada proveniente del universo.

Recuerden la función del agua es dual. Primeramente absorber toda vibración negativa protegiéndonos. Simultáneamente refuerza eficazmente toda vibración positiva.

A continuación les comparto otro descubrimiento importante. Después de más de cuarenta años de investigaciones en varios campos del saber humano consultando cientos de libros de auto superación, científicos, de psicología, antropología e historia comparada abarcan un ochenta y cinco por ciento, la otra fuente fue la de utilizar conocimientos esotéricos que formaron el quince por ciento restante. Descubrí también que todo ser humano contamos con dos días maravillosos para utilizar un efectivo lavado de cerebro positivo, en otras palabras eliminar información falsa de nuestros cerebros para poder inmediatamente después colocar información verdadera en el. Cuáles son estos dos días? Los dos días en que la luna transita por los 30º de nuestro signo lunar. Cada ser humano nace con un signo lunar además del conocido signo solar.

Por favor sus comentarios son necesarios para poder beneficiar a muchas mas `personas
Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar